The Software Development Kit Manager (SDKMAN!) is an awesome and very useful tool. We can use it to install and manage candidates like Groovy, Grails, Griffon and Gradle. If we want to know if a new version of an installed candidate is available we use the outdated command. SKDMAN! returns a list of candidates with newer versions and also displays the version we have and is available. If we specify the candidate we can see if for that specific candidate a newer version is available.

For example we can get the following results:

$ sdk outdated
ant (1.9.6 < 1.9.7)
kotlin (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 < 1.0.3)
$ # Or we use the shortcut o
$ sdk o
ant (1.9.6 < 1.9.7)
kotlin (1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 < 1.0.3)
$ # Check a specific candidate
$ sdk outdated ant
ant (1.9.6 < 1.9.7)

Written with SDKMAN! 5.0.0+51

Original blog post
