
Reduce the code to noise ratio of maven POMs

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Sander Smeman

I really like maven for the structured way it provides for defining and building a project. But sometimes I wish for a less verbose notation than the XML of the Project Object Model (POM). For example, gradles dependency notation is far shorter than mavens dependency declaration. Looking for a less verbose way to declare a maven POM, I discovered polyglot maven. It are maven extensions that allow the maven POM to eb written in another dialect than XML. Since you see YAML more and more I decided to try that dialect, and see if my maven descriptor would be clearer.

  1. Create a directory to work in, {projectdir}, and change into it.

  2. To register the extensions for maven, create a file {projectdir}/.mvn/extensions.xml and add the extension:

  3. Now it’s possile to write the maven POM in YAML, {projectdir}/pom.yml:

    By using the yaml inline map. or dictionary notation declaring a dependency uses way less characters then when using XML.

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Prevent 'No plugin found' in multi-module maven

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Willem Cheizoo

Defining a maven plugin on a submodule in a multi-module maven project can give us a 'No plugin found' error. Especially if we have a multi-module project and we want to apply a maven plugin in only one specific module this error occur pretty often. Let's say we have a multi-module root pom which looks like this.



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JAXB class generation using Maven

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Albert van Veen

There is a useful maven plugin to generate all our JAXB classes for us. This plugin can be executed during the generate-sources phase of our maven build. It can be very useful, especially in the first stages of our project when the design of our XSD may change frequently. We can just add the plugin configuration to the pom.xml of our project.



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