Archive: March 2021

Java Joy: Apply Function To String With Transform

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Java 12 the transform method was add to the String class. This method accepts a Function as argument. The function must have a single parameter of type String and can return any other type. The nice thing is that it works on a String instance, so we can directly use the transform method when we have a String value. We don’t have to pass the String object to another method to tranform it, but we can define the tranformation function close to the String value.

In the following example we take a String value and apply some functions with the transform method:

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Java Joy: Format Numbers In Compact Form

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Java 12 we can format numbers in a compact style with the CompactNumberFormat class in the java.text package. A number like 23000 is formatted as 23K for the English locale. Instead of the short representation of K for 1000 we can also use a longer style where K is transformed as thousand for the English locale. We can use the same class to parse a String value that is in the compact style into a number.

In the following example we use several options of the CompactNumberFormat class:

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