
Clojure Goodness: Splitting Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Clojure we can use the clojure.string/split function to split a string, based on a regular expression, into a vector with string values. Optionally we can also specify a limit on the maximum number of returned string values we want. If we want to split a string based on the newline characters we can use the function clojure.string/split-lines that returns a vector where each element is a line from the original multi-line string.

The following example shows several usages of the split and split-lines functions:

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Clojure Goodness: Replacing Matching Values In String

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can search for a value in a string and replace it with another value using the clojure.string/replace function. The first parameter is the original string value that we want to replace parts of. The second parameter can be a string value or regular expression. The last parameter is the replacement value that can be a string value or a function that returns a string value. The function itself gets either a string argument if the match has no nested groups (when match is a regular expression) or a vector with a complete match followed by the nested groups when the match has nested groups.

In the following example we several invocation of the clojure.string/replace function with different arguments:

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Clojure Goodness: Trimming Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In the clojure.string namespace we can find several useful function for working with strings. If we want to trim a string we can choose for the trim, trial, trimr and trim-newline functions. To trim all characters before a string we must use the triml function. To remove all space characters after a string we use trimr. To remove space characters both before and after a string we can use the trim function. Finally if we only want to remove the newline and/or return characters we use the trim-newline function.

In the following example we use the different trim functions on strings:

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