
Effectively use Mapstruct and Lombok's builder

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Willem Cheizoo

Since Mapstruct version 1.3.0.Final is out, we are able to better integrate with Lombok Builder pattern. Mapstruct is a library that takes away a lot of boilerplate code for mapping between POJO’s. With Mapstruct there is no need for implementing the real mapping itself.

With Lombok we can use a Builder pattern and mark an object as a Value(Object). It will result in an immutable object. This blog post shows how we can use Mapstruct to use the Builder pattern of Lombok.

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Run one or Exclude one test with Gradle

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Mathijs de Groot

From time to time you only want to run one test, one test method, one class or one package from the command-line. Or on the contrary: you want to exclude / ignore one specific test or group of tests during the build cycle. Excluding tests from the build cycle by the command line usually occurs when the following scenarios meet:

  • A test requires significant amount of resources (time, memory, disk space, etc.)

  • The run needs to be independent from the IDE (to reenact the Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery pipeline) as some IDEs load test-dependencies on the compile-time class-path.

  • You have no or limited ability to change the code-base

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Spicy Spring: Creating a Fully Executable Jar

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Willem Cheizoo

With a Spring (Boot/Cloud) application you can create a fully executable JAR, where the jar can be run from the command-line by just calling ./my-own-jar-0.0.1.jar. My colleague Mr. Haki wrote Grails Goodness: Creating A Fully Executable Jar. Together with the famous one-liner of Josh Long in mind: "Make JAR not WAR!", create a JAR whenever you develop a Spring Boot/Cloud application. As described in Mr. Haki's blog, it is very easy to make our Spring application executable:


## Gradle configuration

apply plugin: 'spring-boot'

springBoot {
    executable = true

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