
Cleanup unused GitLab Container Registry image tags

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Tim te Beek

GitLab Container Registry is a convenient choice to store Docker images when using GitLab CI. When every pipeline produces a new Docker image tag, you might want to clean up these image tags periodically. By default GitLab only offers a simplified Cleanup policy, which relies on regular expressions to clean up old image tags. But this approach does not take into account which image tags were recently deployed to your environments.

In this blogpost we outline an alternative image tag cleanup mechanism. We query the GitLab API to see which image tags were recently deployed to our environments, and retain these image tags in case we want to rollback.

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SonarCloud merge request decoration on

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Tim te Beek is the cloud offering of It offers code quality and security scanning, to help developers build maintainable and secure applications. Typically developers install a plugin in their IDE, for direct feedback. Merge request decoration acts as second line of defence, to ensure no new findings make it past the merge or pull request review.

This blogpost walks you through the steps to setting up Merge request decoration on for Apache Maven projects. There’s a few gotcha’s around setting up merge request decoration, which could lead you to threads like these to debug what you did wrong.

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Reuse Gradle Build Cache on GitLab

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Tim te Beek

The Gradle Build Cache is particularly well suited to speed up your CI/CD build times. But to set it up properly in GitLab you need to get a few things exactly right. This blogpost will guide you through the steps, as well as provide you with some background.

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Follow through GitLab deployments with Slack

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Tim te Beek

Our team has a (not so) slight tendency to not immediately follow through with our deployments to production. We’ll create and review our changes, merge and deploy to staging, and dilligently test the changes there. And then…​ nothing happens.

It could be that something else needs our immediate attention, or someone else wants to confirm an issue is fixed; Or we might want to deploy at a different point in time as to not disrupt an ongoing process by a service restart. Any which way the result is the same: changes accumulate in staging, and with that the risk involved with the next production deployment.

To nudge ourselves to deploy to production more often we created a Slack App that gives us a daily report of such pending deployments. In this post I’ll showcase the code we use, and how to set up something similar yourself.

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How to run Maven Release on GitLab with Artifactory

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Tim te Beek

The Maven Release plugin allows you to easily craft releases of your own libraries, to share code between projects. When combined with Semantic Versioning you can communicate clearly to your library users which changes are minor, or potentially breaking. The plugin will trim off the -SNAPSHOT suffix of your artifact version, run through all the stages to create your build artifacts, and push those artifacts to a remote registry such as Artifactory. It will also push a Git tag to your code repository, as well as increment your artifact version to prepare for further development.

This blogpost will run you through the steps to authenticate with both GitLab and Artifactory when running a Maven Release from GitLab CI.

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Running Dependabot on GitLab

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Tim te Beek

As a consultant I find myself alternating between GitLab and GitHub about once a year, depending on the assignment. While I like GitLab a lot, there’s one thing I had sorely missed whenever I switch back from GitHub: Dependabot. Dependabot scans your project dependencies, and creates merge requests whenever updates are found. This provides you with an easy way to keep up to date on dependencies, and notifies you early if there are any incompatibilities.

Even though there are alternatives such as and even GitLab’s own Dependency Scanning, those don’t always support enterprise or partner installations of GitLab, require GitLab Ultimate, or don’t support the full range of package managers that Dependabot supports.

Luckily though, there’s now a Dependabot for GitLab project. This project is based on the same Open Source Dependabot Core, so you can get the exact same automated dependency updates on both platforms.

In this blogpost I’ll walk you through how you can quickly roll out Dependabot on an existing GitLab installation, so you can start updating your dependencies automatically.

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Automating hosting RevealJS slides on GitLab

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Deniz Turan

RevealJS is an awesome tool made with JavaScript, which allows you create slides for a presentation using HTML or if you use a plugin, Markdown. The great thing about that is, that you could have your slides in git, with proper version control. To run your slides, all you need is a web server which serves static content, for example you could do this locally using Python’s SimpleHttpServer. That’s where GitLab comes in, with GitLab pages you can host any static web content you want, so that’s what I will show in this blog, automatically hosting your RevealJS slides on GitLab with every commit of your slides.

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