Archive: November 2014

ngImprovedTesting 0.2: adding $q.tick() to improve testing promises

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Emil van Galen

NOTE: Just released version 0.2.2 of ngImprovedTesting to fix issue #6 causing chained promises (i.e. .then(...).then(...)) not to executed by a $q.tick(); also see README of the GitHub repo.

After quite a while I finally got round to creating version 0.2 of ngImprovedTesting. The ModuleBuilder API is unchanged and still makes mock testing AngularJS code much easier (be sure to read this blog post if you are unfamiliar with ngImprovedTesting). Version 0.2 of ngImprovedTesting brings you the following interesting improvements:

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Document Fragments

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Normally all Asciidoc files are processed and transformed to output files by Asciidoctor. But if we start the file name with an underscore (_) the file is not transformed to an output file. This is very useful, because we can define some Asciidoc document fragments and include them in other Asciidoc files, but in the output directory the document fragment is not generated.

Let's create two Asciidoc files. One is _attrs.adoc which is a document fragment file that is used in sample.doc:

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Gradle Goodness: Using and Working with Gradle Version

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To get the current Gradle version we can use the gradleVersion property of the Gradle object. This returns a string value we can use for displaying the values. If we want to compare Gradle versions we can use the GradleVersion object. With this class we can get the current version, but we can also compare Gradle versions. This can be useful in our build scripts if we have functionality based on a Gradle version.

In the following build file we first have a task that uses the gradleVersion of Gradle. Then inside the task we use the static method current of the GradleVersion class. We get an GradleVersion instance and we display different properties from this instance. In the task compareGradleVersion we create a GradleVersion instance with the static version method. We compare multiple GradleVersion objects and have different functionality based on the Gradle version.

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Gradle Goodness: Using CopySpec with Tasks

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To define a Copy task we specify the files we want to copy and to which directory. This definition is a CopySpec instance. It contains the rules that defines what we want to copy. The archive tasks Jar, Zip and Tar also use a CopySpec instance.

When we create a task of type Copy we get a task object that implements the CopySpec interface. We can use all the methods from this interface to extend our recipe for copying tasks. In the following build file we first define the task website. We use CopySpec methods to configure the task. Then we define a task deploy of type Sync that also implements the CopySpec interface.

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing the Grid and Frame of Tables

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can change the frames and grid of tables we define in Asciidoctor. We use the frames attribute to change the outside frame of a table. We can choose between topbot for top and bottom, sides for only a frame at the sides of the table, none if we don't want a frame. The default value all create a frame around our table with top, sides and bottom.

To change the inner grid of a table we use the grids table attribute. The default value all displays a grid for columns and rows inside the table. The value cols only displays a grid between columns, value rows display a grid between rows and with value none there will be no grid inside our table.

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Web-components like AngularJS directives

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Richard Rijnberk

As you may already know web components consist out of a set of technologies which are combined to create a custom element for use in your HTML markup. The main additions, as described in several blogposts, are HTML imports, Shadow Dom and Templates combined with isolated scripts and styling. (If these concepts are new to you i suggest you read up on web components at This blog post has a living example on If we look at Angular it already supports html imports and isolated scripts through it's directive approach. This means we can already create custom components by using directives. The downside of this approach however is that there is no true isolation of markup and styling. Meaning both markup and styling may be inadvertently influenced by an outside source. Let's start with a basic directive and template:

angular.module('', ['component.api'])
.directive('simpleDirective', function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      replace: false,
      templateUrl: 'template.html',
      transclude: true,
      scope: {
        dynamic: '='
      link: function($scope, element) {
        // your code here

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Spock: Using ConfineMetaClassChanges when using MetaClass mocking

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Albert van Veen

One of the handy features of Groovy is to change the behavior of classes using MOP (Meta-Object Protocol). We change the metaClass property of a class to alter an implementation. You can for example override a static method of a class. See the example below:

class UserSpec extends Specification {

    def “test user”() {
        // we can mock static methods...
        User.metaClass.static.findByName = { name ->
            new User(name: ‘Albert’) }
        User user = User.findByName(‘Albert’)

        then: == ‘Albert’

        // .. but also non-static methods
        user.metaClass.getName = { return ‘Dries’ }

        then: == ‘Dries’


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Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Asciidoctor Diagram with Gradle

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Asciidoctor 1.5.0 we can use extensions when we write AsciiDoc documents. These extensions can be written in Ruby or any JVM language. If we use Gradle and the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin to transform our documents we can use both extensions. Of course an extension written in for example Java or Groovy can be included as a regular dependency in our build configuration. As the extension is on the classpath of the asciidoctor task then it can be used. When the extension is a Ruby extension and available as a Ruby gem we need some more configuration in our build file. To use an Asciidoctor extension written in Ruby in our build we must first make sure that we can download the extension. Then we can configure the asciidoctor task from the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin to use the extension.

Let's start with a sample Asciidoctor document which uses the Asciidoctor Diagram extension. With this extension we can embed diagrams as text in our document and get graphical images as output.

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing Table and Column Width

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we define a table in Asciidoctor the columns all have the same width and the table will the whole width of the page. Of course we can change this when we define the table. We can change the table width with the width attribute. We specify the column width with the cols attribute.

First we will change the width of the columns. We can specify proportional integer values or a percentage to specify the width of a column. In the following sample Asciidoctor file we use proportional values in the first table. The first column has value 1 and the second column value 3. This means the second column should be 3 times as wide as the first column. In the second table the column width is defined with percentage values. The first column should occupy 60% of the table width and the last column the rest.

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Asciidoc in Tables

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we define a table in Asciidoctor and want to use Asciidoc in a table cell it is not interpreted as Asciidoc by default. The text is literally shown and this might not be what we expect. But we can force Asciidoctor to interpret the cell contents as Asciidoctor.

Let's start with a very simple table. The last cell of the first row contains some Asciidoc markup:

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Table Column and Cell Alignment

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Creating a table with Asciidoctor is a breeze. The syntax is very clear and the HTML output shows a very nice looking table. But there is also a lot of configuration we can do when we define a table. For example by default all columns are left aligned, but we can change this to have values centered or right aligned in columns. We can even set the vertical alignment for columns. And if this is not enough we can change the horizontal and vertical alignment per cell.

Let's start with a simple table with three columns. We want the first column to be centered, the middle column to be left aligned and the last column should be right aligned. To achieve this we must configure the cols attribute for our table definition. We use the following symbols to define the alignment:

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