Spocklight: Using Mock Method Arguments in Response
When we mock or stub methods we can use the method arguments passed to the method in the response for the mocked or stubbed method. We must write a closure after the rightShift operator (>>
) and the closure arguments will resemble the arguments of the mocked or stubbed method. Alternatively we can use a single non-typed argument in the closure and this will contains the method argument list.
Let's create a specification where we use this feature. In the following sample we use a mock for the AgeService
used in the class under test. The method allowedMaxTime()
is invoked by the class under test and basically should return the maximum hour of the day a show can be broadcasted. In our specification we use the name of the show to return different values during the test.
package com.mrhaki.spock
import spock.lang.*
class SampleSpec extends Specification {
final ClassUnderTest classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest()
def "show #name with start time 21h is #expected to show"() {
final AgeService ageService = Mock()
classUnderTest.ageService = ageService
final boolean allowed = classUnderTest.listing(new Show(name: name, startTime: 21))
1 * ageService.allowedMaxTime(_ as Show) >> { Show show ->
show.name.toLowerCase().contains('kids') ? 10 : 23
// Alternative syntax with a non-typed closure argument:
//1 * ageService.allowedMaxTime(_ as Show) >> { arguments ->
// arguments[0].name.toLowerCase().contains('kids') ? 10 : 23
allowed == expected
name || expected
'Kids rules' || false
'Sports united' || true
/* Supporting classes and interface */
class ClassUnderTest {
AgeService ageService
boolean listing(final Show show) {
final int hour = ageService.allowedMaxTime(show)
show.startTime <= hour
interface AgeService {
int allowedMaxTime(Show show)
class Show {
String name
int startTime
Code written with Spock 0.7-groovy-2.0.