We can extend the integrate-with command in Grails to generate files for a custom IDE or build system. We must add a _Events.groovy file to our Grails projects and then write an implementation for the eventIntegrateWithStart event. Inside the event we must define a new closure with our code to generate files. The name of the closure must have the following pattern: binding.integrate_CustomIdentifier_. The value for CustomIdentifier can be used as an argument for the integrate-with command.

Suppose we want to extend integrate-with to generate a simple Sublime Text project file. First we create a template Sublime Text project file where we define folders for a Grails application. We create the folder src/ide-support/sublimetext and add the file grailsProject.sublimetext-project with the following contents:

    "folders": [
            "name": "Domain classes",
            "path": "grails-app/domain"
            "name": "Controllers",
            "path": "grails-app/controllers"
            "name": "Taglibs",
            "path": "grails-app/taglib"
            "name": "Views",
            "path": "grails-app/views"
            "name": "Services",
            "path": "grails-app/services"
            "name": "Configuration",
            "path": "grails-app/conf"
            "name": "grails-app/i18n",
            "path": "grails-app/i18n"
            "name": "grails-app/utils",
            "path": "grails-app/utils"
            "name": "grails-app/migrations",
            "path": "grails-app/migrations"
            "name": "web-app",
            "path": "web-app"
            "name": "Scripts",
            "path": "scripts"
            "name": "Sources:groovy",
            "path": "src/groovy"
            "name": "Sources:java",
            "path": "src/java"
            "name": "Tests:integration",
            "path": "test/integration"
            "name": "Tests:unit",
            "path": "test/unit"
            "name": "All files",
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "."

Next we create the file scripts/_Events.groovy:

includeTargets << grailsScript("_GrailsInit")

eventIntegrateWithStart = {

    // Usage: integrate-with --sublimeText
    binding.integrateSublimeText = {

        // Copy template file.
        ant.copy(todir: basedir) {
            fileset(dir: "src/ide-support/sublimetext/")

        // Move template file to real project file with name of Grails application.
        ant.move(file: "$basedir/grailsProject.sublime-project",
                 tofile: "$basedir/${grailsAppName}.sublime-project",
                 overwrite: true)

        grailsConsole.updateStatus "Created SublimeText project file"

We are done and can now run the integrate-with command with the new argument sublimeText:

$ grails integrate-with --sublimeText
| Created SublimeText project file.

If we open the project in Sublime Text we see our folder structure for a Grails application:

Code written with Grails 2.3.7.

Original article
