We can use the run-script command to run Groovy scripts within the context of a Grails application. We can pass one or more Groovy scripts as argument to the run-script command. The Grails environment will be configured and we can access the Spring application context, domain classes, Grails services and more. Basically everything we can do in the Grails console or shell can be saved as a Groovy script and run with the run-script command.

The following Groovy script shows some stats for a Grails application:

// File: src/scripts/appstatus.groovy
import grails.util.Environment
import static grails.util.Metadata.current as metaInfo

header 'Application Status'
row 'App version', metaInfo['app.version']
row 'Grails version', metaInfo['app.grails.version']
row 'Groovy version', GroovySystem.version
row 'JVM version', System.getProperty('java.version')
row 'Reloading active', Environment.reloadingAgentEnabled
row 'Controllers', grailsApplication.controllerClasses.size()
row 'Domains', grailsApplication.domainClasses.size()
row 'Services', grailsApplication.serviceClasses.size()
row 'Tag Libraries', grailsApplication.tagLibClasses.size()

header 'Installed Plugins'
ctx.getBean('pluginManager').allPlugins.each { plugin ->
    row plugin.name, plugin.version

void row(final String label, final value) {
    println label.padRight(18) + ' : ' + value.toString().padLeft(8)

void header(final String title) {
    final int length = 29
    println '-' * length
    println title.center(length)
    println '-' * length

We can invoke the script with the following command:

$ grails run-script src/scripts/appstatus.groovy
| Running script src/scripts/appstatus.groovy ...
     Application Status
App version        :      0.1
Grails version     :    2.4.0
Groovy version     :    2.3.1
JVM version        : 1.7.0_51
Reloading active   :    false
Controllers        :        2
Domains            :        0
Services           :        3
Tag Libraries      :       15

      Installed Plugins
i18n               :    2.4.0
logging            :    2.4.0
dataBinding        :    2.4.0
restResponder      :    2.4.0
core               :    2.4.0
codecs             :    2.4.0
urlMappings        :    2.4.0
jquery             :   1.11.1
databaseMigration  :    1.4.0
assetPipeline      :    1.8.7
webxml             :    1.4.1
tomcat             :   7.0.53
controllers        :    2.4.0
filters            :    2.4.0
servlets           :    2.4.0
mimeTypes          :    2.4.0
dataSource         :    2.4.0
groovyPages        :    2.4.0
domainClass        :    2.4.0
controllersAsync   :    2.4.0
converters         :    2.4.0
scaffolding        :    2.1.0
hibernate4         :
validation         :    2.4.0
services           :    2.4.0
cache              :    1.1.6
| Script src/scripts/appstatus.groovy complete!

Code written with Grails 2.4.0.

Original article
