In our Asciidoc markup we can include delimited blocks, like sidebars, examples, listings and admonitions. A delimited block is indicated by a balanced pair of delimiter characters. For example a sidebar starts and ends with four asterisk characters (****). If we want to nest another delimited block of the same type we must add an extra delimiter character at the start and end of the nested block. So when we want to nest another sidebar block inside an existing sidebar block we must use five asterisk characters (*****).

In the following example Asciidoc source we have several blocks with nested blocks:

== Nested sidebar

This is just an example of how
// Start nested block with extra *
a nested delimited block
can be defined.

== Nested example block

.Nested example
Also the example delimited block
// Start nested block
allows nested blocks
and nested blocks
to be defined.

== Nested admonition block

We can nest
adminition blocks
as well.

== Mixing delimited blocks

Of course we can also define
another delimited block
with nested block
inside delimited blocks.

If we transform this to HTML we get the following result:

Written with Asciidoctor 1.5.2.

Original article
