With Asciidoctor we can repeat cell contents if we prefix the cell separator pipe symbol (|) with the number of times we want to repeat the cell followed by an asterisk (*).

In the following example Asciidoctor source file we define two tables and add 2* to cells that we want to repeat two times:

// 3-column table, where the first column
// cell value is not repeated, and the
// cell value for columns 2 and 3 is
// repeated.
| Column | Value | Value

| Name
2*| Asciidoctor

| Description
2*| Awesome way to write documentation


// One column table. So the repeated
// cells are each on their own row.
| Column

2*| Asciidoctor

2*| Awesome way to write documentation


When we generate a HTML document from this source we see the following result:

Written with Asciidoctor 1.5.1.

Original article
