Last week I presented my talk 'MISSION TO MARS: EXPLORING NEW WORLDS WITH AWS IOT' at IoT Tech Day 2016 and it was great fun! In the presentation I showed how to build a small robot and control it over MQTT messaging via Amazons IoT platform. The room was packed and the demo went well too. mission_to_mars_presentation I promised to share some info about it on my blog so here we are. I've composed a shopping list and a collection of useful links: Mission to Mars - Shopping list Mission to Mars - Useful links The original presentation is available here: Mission_to_Mars-Jeroen_Resoort-IoT_Tech_Day.pdf So what's next? I should publish my Pi robot and Mission Control Center web client code on github. Maybe I'll extend the python code for controlling the mBot over a serial connection and make a proper library for it.

Will keep you updated...
