Groovy Goodness: Identity Closure
In functional programming we have the concept of an identity function.
An identity function returns the same result as the input of the function.
Groovy has a lot of functional paradigms including a identity function.
Of course in Groovy's case it is an identity closure.
It is defined as a constant in the Closure
class: Closure.IDENTITY
If we use this closure we get the same result as the argument we provide.
In the following example we first create our own identity closure.
Next we use the built-in Closure.IDENTITY
// Identity closure should return the same value
// as the input.
def identity = { a -> a }
assert identity(42) == 42
assert identity('Groovy rocks!') == 'Groovy rocks!'
// Groovy adds constant Closure.IDENTITY to
// represent an identity closure:
assert Closure.IDENTITY('Groovy rocks!') == 'Groovy rocks!'
assert Closure.IDENTITY(['Groovy', 'is', 'gr8']) == ['Groovy', 'is', 'gr8']
assert Closure.IDENTITY(a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) == [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]
// With static import we can reference
// the constant identity closure as well.
import static groovy.lang.Closure.IDENTITY
assert IDENTITY(42) == 42
// Can be useful to create a
// Closure for constant values.
def theAnswer = IDENTITY.curry(42)
assert theAnswer() == 42
// Useful default for Closure method argument.
// Without default for the transform argument,
// we have to pass two arguments.
// Now the method accepts a single argument as well.
def transformString(String value, Closure transform = Closure.IDENTITY) {
// Use default transform value (Closure.IDENTITY).
assert transformString('hubert') == 'hubert'
// Use custom transform Closure argument.
assert transformString('mrhaki') { s -> s.toUpperCase() } == 'MRHAKI'
Written with Groovy 2.4.7.