Rule based model configuration in Gradle allows us to have a graph of objects with dependencies that are resolved by Gradle. To make this work Gradle needs to know about the object in this model space. The model space is populated with objects of our own and with objects from Gradle. At time of writing this blog post we can not interact with the Gradle Project object in our rule based model configuration. It is not officially part of the model space. Probably in the future this might change and will the Project object managed by Gradle be part of the model space. Which means we can use then a Project object as input parameter for any rule methods we have. For now the official way to pass project information to the rule based model space is via the model configuration block in our build script. The model configuration block can be used to set properties on objects with values from our Project object.

In the following example we have VersionFile object that is part of the model space.

// File: buildSrc/src/main/groovy/mrhaki/gradle/VersionFile.groovy
package mrhaki.gradle

import org.gradle.model.Managed

interface VersionFile {
    String getVersion()
    void setVersion(final String version)

    File getOutputFile()
    void setOutputFile(final File outputFile)

The rules to create the VersionFile object and to use this object to add a new task are defined in the file VersionFileTaskRules:

// File: buildSrc/src/main/groovy/mrhaki/gradle/VersionFileTaskRules.groovy
package mrhaki.gradle

import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.model.Model
import org.gradle.model.ModelMap
import org.gradle.model.Mutate
import org.gradle.model.RuleSource

class VersionFileTaskRules extends RuleSource {

    void versionFile(final VersionFile versionFile) {}

    void createVersionFileTask(final ModelMap tasks, final VersionFile versionFile) {
        tasks.create('generateVersionFile', VersionFileTask) { task ->
            task.version = versionFile.version
            task.outputFile = versionFile.outputFile


The custom task is not very exiting:

// File: buildSrc/src/main/groovy/mrhaki/gradle/VersionFileTask.groovy
package mrhaki.gradle

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

 * Simple task to save the value for the
 * {@link #version} property in a file.
 * The file is set with the {@link #outputFile}
 * property.
class VersionFileTask extends DefaultTask {

     * Value for version to be saved.
    String version

     * Output file to store version value in.
    File outputFile

     * Actual task actions to save the value
     * for {@link #version} in {@link #outputFile}.
    void generateVersionFile() {
        outputFile.text = version


If we want to set the version property with the project.version value we use the model configuration in our build script:

// File: build.gradle
apply plugin: mrhaki.gradle.VersionFileTaskRules

// Configure model space.
model {

    // Configure VersionFile instance created
    // by method versionFile() from VersionFileTaskRules.
    versionFile {

        // Set value for version property of VersionFile
        // using the project.version property.
        version =  project.version

        // Set value for outputFile property of VersionFile,
        // using the project.buildDir property and
        // project.file method.
        outputFile = project.file("${buildDir}/version.txt")


// Set project version
version = '1.0.1.RELEASE'

We run the model task to see that our VersionFile object has the right property values:

$ gradle -q model
+ versionFile
      | Type:           mrhaki.gradle.VersionFile
      | Creator:        VersionFileTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)
      | Rules:
         ⤷ versionFile { ... } @ build.gradle line 9, column 5
    + outputFile
          | Type:
          | Value:      /Users/mrhaki/Projects/sample/build/version.txt
          | Creator:    VersionFileTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)
    + version
          | Type:       java.lang.String
          | Value:      1.0.1.RELEASE
          | Creator:    VersionFileTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)

Because the Project object is not part of the managed model space, we can not give the version property of VersionFile a default value that is the project.version property value. In our example we can give the version property of the VersionFileTask a default value that is project.version. So if the we don't use the model configuration block the version value of the Project object is used in the task. Unfortunately we cannot see this default from the model task.

There are some internal objects created by Gradle that represent the project build directory and the Project object. The build directory can be accessed as input argument using the syntax @Path('buildDir') File and the project as ProjectIdentifier. But these are for internal use and can be removed or changed without warning. So to have a set of rules for the model space that will be useable in future Gradle versions we must not rely on those objects.

Another workaround, which might not work in the future, would be to rely on the ExtensionContainer object that is available in the model space. Gradle adds this as a hidden object, so also here we need to keep in mind this solution might not work in future Gradle versions. We could write an extension that wraps the Project object and add it to the ExtensionContainer. Next we use the ExtensionContainer as input argument for a rule method to get the extension with the wrapper Project object. The create the extension we use a custom Gradle plugin:

// File: buildSrc/src/main/groovy/mrhaki/gradle/VersionFilePlugin.groovy
package mrhaki.gradle

import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer
import org.gradle.model.Defaults
import org.gradle.model.Model
import org.gradle.model.ModelMap
import org.gradle.model.Mutate
import org.gradle.model.RuleSource

class VersionFilePlugin implements Plugin {

    void apply(final Project project) {
        // Create extension 'projectWrapper' and add to ExtensionContainer.
        project.extensions.create('projectWrapper', ProjectWrapper, project)

    // The rules to work with the model space.
    static class VersionTaskRules extends RuleSource {
        void versionFile(final VersionFile versionFile) {}

         * Set default value with {@link VersionFile#setVersion(java.lang.String)}
         * and {@link VersionFile#setOutputFile(}.
         * @param versionFile Object to set defaults for is {@link VersionFile}.
         * @param extensionContainer {@link ExtensionContainer} is managed by Gradle.
        void setVersionFileDefaults(
                final VersionFile versionFile,
                final ExtensionContainer extensionContainer) {

            // Get ProjectWrapper and enclosed Project object.
            final ProjectWrapper projectWrapper = extensionContainer.getByType(ProjectWrapper)
            final Project project = projectWrapper.project

            // Set version and outputFile properties with project information.
            versionFile.version = project.version
            versionFile.outputFile = new File(project.buildDir, 'version.txt')

        void createVersionFileTask(final ModelMap tasks, final VersionFile versionFile) {
            tasks.create('generateVersionFile', VersionFileTask) { task ->
                task.version = versionFile.version
                task.outputFile = versionFile.outputFile


class ProjectWrapper {
    final Project project

In our build file we apply the plugin and do not use the model configuration:

// File: build.gradle
apply plugin: mrhaki.gradle.VersionFilePlugin

When we run the model task we see the setVersionFileDefaults method is used to set VersionFile properties:

$ gradle -q model
+ versionFile
      | Type:           mrhaki.gradle.VersionFile
      | Creator:        VersionFilePlugin.VersionTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)
      | Rules:
         ⤷ VersionFilePlugin.VersionTaskRules#setVersionFileDefaults(VersionFile, ExtensionContainer)
    + outputFile
          | Type:
          | Value:      /Users/mrhaki/Projects/sample/build/version.txt
          | Creator:    VersionFilePlugin.VersionTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)
    + version
          | Type:       java.lang.String
          | Value:      2.0.1
          | Creator:    VersionFilePlugin.VersionTaskRules#versionFile(VersionFile)

Written with Gradle 3.2.

Original blog post
