In Grails we can use the @Resource annotation to make a domain class a REST resource. The annotation adds a controller as URL endpoint for the domain class. Values for the domain class properties are rendered with a default renderer. We can use JSON and markup views to customize the rendering of the domain class annotated with a @Resource annotation. First we must make sure we include views plugin in our build configuration. Then we must create a directory in the grails-app/views directory with the same name as our domain class name. Inside the directory we can add JSON and markup views with names that correspond with the controller actions. For example a file index.gson or index.gml for the index action. We can also create a template view that is automatically used for a resource instance by adding a view with the name of the domain class prefixed with an underscore (_).

In the next example application we create a custom view for the Book domain class that is annotated with the @Resource annotation:

Listing 1. grails-app/domain/mrhaki/sample/Book.groovy
package mrhaki.sample


@Resource(uri = '/books')
class Book {

    String title
    String isbn

    static constraints = {
        title blank: false
        isbn blank: false

Next we must make sure the Grails views code is available as a dependency. In our build.gradle file we must have the following dependencies in the dependencies {} block:

Listing 2. build.gradle
dependencies {
    // Support for JSON views.
    compile "org.grails.plugins:views-json:1.1.5"
    // Support for markup views.
    compile "org.grails.plugins:views-markup:1.1.5"

It is time to create new JSON views for JSON responses. We create the directory grails-app/views/book/ and the file _book.gson. This template file is automatically used by Grails now when a Book instances needs to be rendered:

Listing 3. grails-app/views/book/_book.gson
import grails.util.Environment
import mrhaki.sample.Book

model {
    Book book

json {
    version book.version
    title book.title
    isbn book.isbn
    information {
        generatedBy 'Sample application'
        grailsVersion Environment.grailsVersion

We also create the file index.gson to support showing multiple Book instances:

Listing 4. grails-app/views/book/index.gson
import mrhaki.sample.Book

model {
    List bookList

// We can use template namespace
// method with a Collection.

If we also want to support XML we need to create extra markup views. First we a general template for a Book instance with the name _book.gml:

Listing 5. grails-app/views/book/_book.gml
import grails.util.Environment
import mrhaki.sample.Book

model {
    Book book

book {
    title book.title
    isbn book.isbn
    information {
        generatedBy 'Sample application'
        grailsVersion Environment.grailsVersion

Next we create the file index.gml to show Book instances. Note we cannot use the template namespace in the markup view opposed to in the JSON view:

Listing 6. grails-app/views/book/_book.gml
import grails.util.Environment
import mrhaki.sample.Book

model {
    List<Book> bookList

books {
    bookList.each { bookInstance ->
        book {
            title bookInstance.title
            isbn bookInstance.isbn
            information {
                generatedBy 'Sample application'
                grailsVersion Environment.grailsVersion

We start our Grails application and use cUrl to invoke our REST resource:

$ curl -H Accept:application/xml http://localhost:8080/books/1
 1Gradle Dependency Management978-1784392789 Sample application3.2.6development 2Gradle Effective Implementation Guide978-1784394974 Sample application3.2.6development

$ curl -H Accept:application/xml http://localhost:8080/books/1
 1Gradle Dependency Management978-1784392789 Sample application3.2.6development

$ curl -H Accept:application/json http://localhost:8080/books
        "id": 1,
        "version": 0,
        "title": "Gradle Dependency Management",
        "isbn": "978-1784392789",
        "information": {
            "generatedBy": "Sample application",
            "grailsVersion": "3.2.6",
            "environment": "development"
        "id": 2,
        "version": 0,
        "title": "Gradle Effective Implementation Guide",
        "isbn": "978-1784394974",
        "information": {
            "generatedBy": "Sample application",
            "grailsVersion": "3.2.6",
            "environment": "development"

$ curl -H Accept:application/json http://localhost:8080/books/1
    "id": 1,
    "version": 0,
    "title": "Gradle Dependency Management",
    "isbn": "978-1784392789",
    "information": {
        "generatedBy": "Sample application",
        "grailsVersion": "3.2.6",
        "environment": "development"

Written with Grails 3.2.6.
