Writing protractor tests can be quite difficult, because of all the asynchronous calls you have to deal with. Even promise-chaining does not help when your tests become longer and more complex. With Javascript generator functions it is possible to simplify your tests.


Let’s say we have a todo-app created in AngularJS with two pages: a page with a list of todos and a page where a user can create a todo-item. We have two page objects created that can communicate with the pages in our Protractor tests. This is an example of an actual testcase with the use of promise chaining:

Listing 1. todo.spec.js - with promises
describe('todo test', function () {
  const todoListPage = require('../page-objects/todo-list.page.po');
  const todoCreatePage = require('../page-objects/todo-create.page.po');

  beforeEach(() => {

  it('should create a todo item', () => {
    //Check that number of items is 0 to begin with.
      .then(() => todoListPage.getNumberOfItems())
      .then(nrOfItems => {
      .then(() => todoCreatePage.open())
      .then(() => todoCreatePage.createTodoItem('test'))
      .then(() => todoListPage.open())
      .then(() => todoListPage.getNumberOfItems())
      .then((nrOfItems) => {
        //number of todos should now be 1
Listing 2. todo.spec.js - with generators
describe('todo test', function () {
  const todoListPage = require('../page-objects/todo-list.page.po');
  const todoCreatePage = require('../page-objects/todo-create.page.po');

  beforeEach(() => {

  it('should create a todo item', function\*() {
    //Check that number of items is 0 to begin with.
    yield todoListPage.open();
    expect(yield todoListPage.getNumberOfItems()).toBe(0);

    yield todoCreatePage.open();
    yield todoCreatePage.createTodoItem('test');
    yield todoListPage.open();

    //number of todos should now be 1
    expect(yield todoListPage.getNumberOfItems()).toBe(1);

As you can see, the testcode is much easier to understand when the generator method is used.

How does it work?

The generator method which is defined with the function*(){} syntax can be used together with the jasmine-co library. jasmine-co wraps all methods and waits for each yield statement to be resolved before continuing to the next yield statement, even if this yield statement is resolved asynchronously.


.1. Install jasmine-co dependency.

npm install jasmine-co --save-dev --save-exact

.2. Install jasmine-co in the protractor.conf.js file.

Listing 3. Example protractor.conf.js
exports.config = {
  seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',

  getPageTimeout: 60000,
  allScriptsTimeout: 500000,
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',

  capabilities: {
    'browserName': 'chrome',
    'chromeOptions': {
      'args': \['--disable-extensions', '--start-maximized'\]

  specs: \['test/component-tests/\*\*/\*.spec.js'\],
  framework: 'jasmine',
  jasmineNodeOpts: {
    showColors: true,
    defaultTimeoutInterval: 3000000

  onPrepare: function() {
	//This will wrap every test with jasmineCo(); Just like in the docs: https://www.npmjs.com/package/jasmine-co

	//Define a shortcut for protractor.ExpectedConditions
    global.EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;

.3. Start rewriting your tests incremently.

Important: It is not necessary to rewrite all your tests to generators, so you can try it out on one test first.

1. Source code
