PlantUML Pleasantness: Use Gradients In Diagrams
We have a lot of ways to customize our PlantUML diagrams. We can change the colors and we can even set gradients as color. A gradient has two colors and a direction. The direction of the gradient is set by the separator between the two colors. We can use the following separators to set the gradient direction:
: direction top left to bottom right -
: direction bottom left to top right -
: direction left to right -
: direction top to bottom
In the following example PlantUML diagram definition we apply different gradient directions and different colors:
title Gradient
skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
skinparam RectangleFontSize 20
skinparam TitleFontStyle bold
skinparam TitleFontColor #e723e7
' Define two colors for a gradient
' and use - for left to right.
skinparam BackgroundColor #e2e2e2-#afafaf
' Define two colors for a gradient
' and use / for top left to bottom right.
skinparam RectangleBackgroundColor #ffd200/#8cfcff
rectangle A [
From top left
to bottom right
' Use \ for bottom left to top right
rectangle B #ffd200\8cfcff [
From bottom left
to top right
' Use | for left to right
rectangle C #ffd200|8cfcff [
From left
to right
' Use | for top to bottom
rectangle D #ffd200-8cfcff [
From top
to bottom
When we convert this PlantUML syntax to a PNG image we get the following result:
Written with PlantUML 1.2017.16.