PlantUML Pleasantness: Using The Built-in Icons
PlantUML has a built-in icon set we can use in our diagram definitions.
The icon set is open source icon set OpenIconic.
We refer to an icon using the syntax <&iconName>
.We can use an icon everywhere where we can use text in our diagrams.
In the following example we use different icons in different places:
skinparam DefaultFontSize 24
skinparam DefaultTextAlignment center
title <&caret-right> Using icons in PlantUML <&caret-left>
package "Charts <&menu>" as charts {
file bar [
file pie [
When we generate a diagram we see the following output:
To get a list of available icons we can use the statement listopeniconic
This will create a diagram with all the icons and their names we can use:
The following image shows all icons that we can use:
Written with PlantUML 1.2017.18.