Awesome Asciidoctor: Auto Number Callouts
In a previous post we learned about callouts in Asciidoctor to add explanation to source code. While surfing the Internet I came upon the following blog post by Alex Soto: Auto-numbered Callouts in Asciidoctor. I turns out that since Asciidoctor 1.5.8 we can use a dot (.
) instead of explicit numbers to have automatic increasing numbering for the callouts.
Let’s take our example from the earlier blog post and now use auto numbered callouts:
= Callout sample
:source-highlighter: prettify
:icons: font
package com.mrhaki.adoc
class Sample {
String username // <.>
String toString() {
"${username?.toUpperCase() ?: 'not-defined'}" // <.>
<.> Simple property definition where Groovy will generate the `setUsername` and `getUsername` methods.
<.> Return username in upper case if set, otherwise return `not-defined`.
When we convert this markup to HTML we get the following result:
This makes it very easy to add new callouts without having to change all numbers we first typed by hand.
Written with Asciidoctor 2.0.9