Posts by Hubert Klein Ikkink

Gradle Goodness: Using Maven Toolchains Configuration For Gradle Java Toolchain Resolution

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we apply the Java plugin to our Gradle project we can configure which Java version we want to use for compiling our source code and running our tests using a toolchain configuration. The benefit of having a toolchain configuration is that we can use a different Java version for compiling and running our code than the Java version that is used by Gradle to execute the build. Gradle will look for that Java version on our local computer or download the correct version if it is not available. To search for a local Java installation Gradle will look for operating system specific locations, installations by package managers like SKDMAN! and Jabba, IntelliJ IDEA installations and Maven Toolchain specifications. Maven Toolchain specifications is an XML file describing the location of local Java installation. Each Java installation is described by a version and optional vendor it provides and the location of the installation. Maven uses this information to find the correct Java installation when the maven-toolchain-plugin is used in a Maven project. But Gradle can also utilize Maven Toolchain specifications to find local Java installations. This can be useful when we have to work on multiple projects where some use Maven and others use Gradle. We can place the Maven Toolchain specification file in our Maven home directory. This is also the default place where Gradle will look, but we can use a project property to override this location.

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Spring Sweets: Spring Boot 3 With Gradle In IntelliJ

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Spring Boot 3 requires at least Java 17, but that also means the Java version used by Gradle must also be at least 17. Otherwise we will get the following error message when we build our Spring Boot project in IntelliJ using Gradle:

The issue is that the Spring Boot Gradle plugin 3.1.5 requires Java 17, but our project is using Java 11. We can fix this by explicitly setting the Java version that Gradle uses in IntelliJ. Go to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle and change the JVM used for Gradle to a JDK version of at least version 17.

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IntelliJ HTTP Client: Allowing Insecure HTTPS Requests

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Sometimes we want to send HTTP requests to servers that use HTTPS with self-signed certificates. We then need to tell HTTP Client to not check the certificate of the server. This is like running the curl command with the --insecure or '-k' flag. To disable the certificate verification for HTTP Client we need to adjust the http-client.private.env.json file. For the environment we want to disable the certificate verification we must add a SSLConfiguration section. In the SSLConfiguration section we add the verifyHostCertificate property with value 'true'.

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IntelliJ HTTP Client: Re-using Javascript In Pre-Request And Response Handlers

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we use the IntelliJ HTTP Client we can write Javascript for the pre-request and response handlers. The Javascript code must be in between {% …​ %} delimeters. If we want to re-use Javascript functions in the pre-request or response handlers we can store them in an external Javascript file. Then we use the import statement to import either the whole file or specify explicitly the code we want to import. This way we can reuse code for different pre-request and response handlers.

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IntelliJ HTTP Client: Using External Files As JSON Payload

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The built-in IntelliJ HTTP Client is very useful for testing HTTP requests and responses. We can use it to test for example a REST API that works with JSON data. If an endpoint expects a JSON payload we can specify the payload in our HTTP Client request file. But if we have a lot of endpoints and large payload the request file can get big and messy. Instead of having the payload in the request file directly we can specify an external JSON file with the payload and use it for a request body. We must use the < operator and give the name of the file with our JSON payload. The IntelliJ HTTP Client will read the contents of that file and use it as the request body. The payload may also contain (dynamic) variables and those variables will be replaced with correct values when the request is executed.

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jq Joy: Sum Of Elements In An Array Or Object

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

jq is a powerful tool to work with JSON from the command-line. The tool has a lot of functions that makes our live easier. One of the functions is add which adds all elements in an array or values in an object. The function has no arguments. The elements in an array are added together if they are numbers and concatenated if they are strings. If the input is an object then the values are added together. When the input is an empty array or object then null is returned.

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jq Joy: Using String Interpolation

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

jq is a powerful tool to work with JSON from the command-line. The tool has a lot of functions that makes our live easier. With jq we can use expressions in strings that will be evaluated and inserted into the string value. This is called string interpolation. The expression is enclosed by parentheses and the first parenthesis is prefixed with a backslash: \(<expression>). The expression can be any valid jq expression and the result of the expression will be inserted into the string.

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jq Joy: Getting Keys From Object And Indices From Array

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

jq is a powerful tool to work with JSON from the command-line. The tool has a lot of functions that makes our live easier. For example we can use the keys and keys_unsorted functions to get the keys from an object. The function keys will return the keys in sorted order while keys_unsorted will return them in the original order from the object. With the same functions we can also get the indices of the elements in an array, but there is no sorting involved, so both functions return the same output.

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jq Joy: Using Default Values With The Alternative Operator

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

jq is a powerful tool to work with JSON from the command-line. The tool has a lot of functions and operators that makes our live easier. One of the operators we can use is the alternative operator // which allows us to specify default values. If the value on the left side of the operator // is empty, null or false then the value on the right side is returned, otherwise the value itself is returned. The operator can be used multiple times if we want to have multiple fallbacks for a value we are checking.

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Groovy Goodness: Using NullCheck Annotation To Prevent NullPointerException

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Groovy we can apply the @NullCheck annotation to a class, constructor or method. The annotation is an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) transformation and will insert code that checks for null values in methods or constructors. If a null value is passed to an annotated method or constructor, it will throw an IllegalArgumentException. Without the annotation we could have a NullPointerException if we try to invoke a method on the value we pass as argument. The annotation has an optional property includeGenerated which by default is false. If we set it to true then the null checks are also applied to generated methods and constructors. This is very useful if we apply other AST transformations to our class that generates additional code.

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Awesome AssertJ: Using A Custom Representation For Objects

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The assertion error messages from AssertJ will use the toString() method of an object to give more insight about why the assertion could have failed. If an object doesn’t override the toString() method the default implementation is Object#toString(). The default implementation will print out the class name and an hexadecimal value of hashCode separated by a @. This doesn’t give much information about the actual object. For classes we have control over we can always implement a toString() method, but for third party classes we may not be able to do that. In order to customize how an object is represented in assertion error messages, AssertJ allows us to provide a custom representation class for an object. The custom representation class must implement the org.assertj.core.presentation.Representation interface. The interface has one method String toStringOf(Object) that should return a String representation of the object. If we want to keep the default behavior for other classes and only override it for our own class, we can extend the StandardRepresentation class and override the method String fallbackToStringOf(Object).

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Java Joy: Using mapMulti Method Of The Stream API

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Java 16 we can use the method mapMulti(BiConsumer) of the Stream API. This method allows us to map each element of the stream to multiple elements. We can also do that with the flatMap(Function) method, but if we want to map a limited set of elements, mapMulti is more convenient. Internally a shared stream is used and we don’t have the cost of creating a new stream for each element. Another use case is if the logic to map an element to multiple elements is complex and is hard to implement by returning a stream. Then mapMulti allows us to write that logic in a BiConsumer instead of a Function.

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