Front End

Stateless Spring Security Part 2: Stateless Authentication

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Robbert van Waveren

This second part of the Stateless Spring Security series is about exploring means of authentication in a stateless way. If you missed the first part about CSRF you can find it here. So when talking about Authentication, its all about having the client identify itself to the server in a verifiable manner. Typically this start with the server providing the client with a challenge, like a request to fill in a username / password. Today I want to focus on what happens after passing such initial (manual) challenge and how to deal with automatic re-authentication of futher HTTP requests.

The most common approach we probably all know is to use a server generated secret token (Session key) in the form of a JSESSIONID cookie. Initial setup for this is near nothing these days perhaps making you forget you have a choice to make here in the first place. Even without further using this "Session key" to store any other state "in the session", the key itself is in fact state as well.  I.e. without a shared and persistent storage of these keys, no successful authentication will survive a server reboot or requests being load balanced to another server.

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Adding custom HTML attributes to your AngularJS web app

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Emil van Galen

AngularJS is an excellent JavaScript web framework offering so-called "directives" to 'teach' HTML some new tricks. Examples of built-in AngularJS directives are:

  • "ngView": defines the placeholder for rending views
  • "ngModel": binds scope properties to "input", "select" and "text" elements
  • "ngShow" / "ngDisabled": for showing or disabling an element based on the result of an expressions

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