
Grails Goodness: Change Version For Dependency Defined By BOM

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Grails 3 we use Gradle as the build system. This means we also use Gradle to define dependencies we need. The default Gradle build file that is created when we create a new Grails application contains the Gradle dependency management plugin via the Gradle Grails plugin. With the dependency management plugin we can import a Maven Bill Of Materials (BOM) file. And that is exactly what Grails does by importing a BOM with Grails dependencies. A lot of the versions of these dependencies can be overridden via Gradle project properties.

To get the list of version properties we write a simple Gradle task to print out the values:

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Grails Goodness: Creating A Runnable Distribution

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Grails 3.1 allows us to build a runnable WAR file for our application with the package command. We can run this WAR file with Java using the -jar option. In Grails 3.0 the package command also created a JAR file that could be executed as standalone application. Let's see how we can still create the JAR with Grails 3.1.

First we use the package command to create the WAR file. The file is generated in the directory build/libs. The WAR file can be run with the command java -jar sample-0.1.war if the file name of our WAR file is sample-0.1.war. It is important to run this command in the same directory as where the WAR file is, otherwise we get an ServletException when we open the application in our web browser (javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name '/index' in servlet with name 'grailsDispatcherServlet').

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Grails Goodness: Using Spring Cloud Config Server

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Spring Cloud project has several sub projects. One of them is the Spring Cloud Config Server. With the Config Server we have a central place to manage external properties for applications with support for different environments. Configuration files in several formats like YAML or properties are added to a Git repository. The server provides an REST API to get configuration values. But there is also a good integration for client applications written with Spring Boot. And because Grails (3) depends on Spring Boot we can leverage the same integration support. Because of the Spring Boot auto configuration we only have to add a dependency to our build file and add some configuration.

Before we look at how to use a Spring Cloud Config server in our Grails application we start our own server for testing. We use a local Git repository as backend for the configuration. And we use the Spring Boot CLI to start the server. We have the following Groovy source file to enable the configuration server:

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Groovy @CompileStatic vs. Grails new @GrailsCompileStatic

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Albert van Veen

Grails is built on Groovy which is known as a dynamic language. The dynamic nature of Groovy offers a lot of powerful features but also defers the detection of errors from compile time to runtime. To shorten the feedback cycle for your code Groovy has a handy annotation which will make sure that your classes is are statically compiled. This will give you fast feedback for a lot of mistakes and you also will benefit from the increased performance offered by the static complication. Unfortunately in Grails this annotation prevents you from using the very useful dynamic GORM methods like list(), get() and the dynamic finder methods. Groovy does not recognize these Grails methods during compile time; see the example below.

class BookController(){

     def save(){
       //This will successfully compile

    def get(){
       //this will throw a compile error since the findByName method is not known
       //at compile time

    def delete(){
       //by setting the TypeCheckinMode, this method will be skipped

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Grails REST: Generate RestfulController

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Albert van Veen

Since version 2.3 Grails has excellent support for creating REST APIs. This new support comes with some new console commands. Besides the well known generate-controller command, Grails now comes with a new command which let you generate restful controllers for a given domain class. In the following example, we will create a restful controller using the new generate-restful-controller command. First we create a domain object

$ grails create-domain-class

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Grails Goodness: Include Domain Version Property in JSON and XML Output

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can include the version property of domain classes in rendered JSON or XML output. By default the version property is not included in generated XML and JSON. To enable inclusion of the version property we can set the configuration property grails.converters.domain.include.version with the value true. With this property for both XML and JSON the version property is included in the output. To only enable this for XML we use the property grails.converters.xml.domain.include.version and for JSON we use the property grails.converters.json.domain.include.version.

The following snippet is from grails-app/conf/Config.groovy where the properties are defined:

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Grails Goodness: Generating Raw Output with Raw Codec

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Grails 2.3 all ${} expression output is automatically escaped on GSPs. This is very useful, because user input is now escaped and any HTML or JavaScript in the input value is escaped and not interpreted by the browser as HTML or JavaScript. This is done so our Grails application is protected from Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

But sometimes we do want to output unescaped HTML content in the web browser. For example we generate the value ourselves and we know the value is safe and cannot be misused for XSS attacks. In Grails 2.3 we can use a new raw() method in our GSPs, tag libraries or controllers. The method will leave the content unchanged and return the unescaped value to be displayed. Alternatively we can use encodeAsRaw() on the content we want to leave unescaped. Finally the encodeAs tag accepts Raw or None as values for the attribute codec and will return the unescaped value.

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Grails Goodness: Namespace Support for Controllers

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a Grails application we can organize our controllers into packages, but if we use the same name for multiple controllers, placed in different packages, then Grails cannot resolve the correct controller name. Grails ignores the package name when finding a controller by name. But with namespace support since Grails 2.3 we can have controllers with the same name, but we can use a namespace property to distinguish between the different controllers.

We can add a new static property to a controller class with the name namespace. The value of this property defines the namespace. We can then write new URL mappings in the grails-app/conf/UrlMappings.groovy file and use the namespace value as a mapping attribute.

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Grails Goodness: Unit Testing Render Templates from Controller

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a previous blog post we learned how we can unit test a template or view independently. But what if we want to unit test a controller that uses the render() method and a template with the template key instead of a view? Normally the view and model are stored in the modelAndView property of the response. We can even use shortcuts in our test code like view and model to check the result. But a render() method invocation with a template key will simply execute the template (also in test code) and the result is put in the response. With the text property of the response we can check the result.

In the following sample controller we use the header template and pass a username model property to render output.

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Grails Goodness: Using the header Method to Set Response Headers

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Grails adds a couple of methods and properties to our controller classes automatically. One of the methods is the header() method. With this method we can set a response header with a name and value. The methods accepts two arguments: the first argument is the header name and the second argument is the header value.

In the following controller we invoke the header() method to set the header X-Powered-By with the Grails and Groovy version.

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