
Awesome AssertJ: Using Our Own Assertions Class

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

AssertJ already provides many useful assertions for all kind of types. But sometimes we want to define our own assertions for our own types. We can define new assertions by extending the AbstractAssert class In this class we add methods that will check the values of our type. The names of the methods can reflect the domain model of our type. This can make our tests more readable and understandable.

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Awesome AssertJ: Comparing Objects Recursively

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To compare nested objects we can use the usingRecursiveComparison() method in AssertJ. We can set up the nested objects with values we expect, invoke a method that would return the actual nested objects, and then use the usingRecursiveComparison() method to compare the actual nested objects with the expected nested objects. This is a very clean way to compare nested objects. Also when we would add a new property to the nested objects our test would fail as we didn’t use that new property yet for our expected nested objects.

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