
Ratpacked: Debugging Application Defined Using Groovy DSL In IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we want to debug our Ratpack application written in Java we can simply use the Debug action on the main application class. When we described the application with the Groovy DSL we must add a Groovy runtime configuration to our project in IntelliJ IDEA to support debugging of the (R|r)atpack.groovy script file.

First we select Run | Edit configurations.... IntelliJ IDEA opens a new dialog window where we can add or modify run/debug configurations. We select the option New configuration and choose the option Groovy:

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Ratpacked: Running Ratpack In Groovy Console

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

It is actually very easy to run a Ratpack application in the Groovy Console. The Groovy Console is a GUI application that is distributed with Groovy and allows us to write and run Groovy scripts. We start the Groovy Console with the groovyConsole command: $ groovyConsole. To run a Ratpack application we only have to add a dependency to Ratpack using the @Grab annotation. We can write an application with the Groovy DSL and select Script | Run from the menu. If we make a change in the script file we invoke the Run command again. The Ratpack application restarts with our changes. This is very useful for trying out some Ratpack features without much hassle.

The following screenshot shows a simple Ratpack application. At the bottom we see the logging output of the running application:

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Ratpacked: Different Base Directory With Marker File

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To set the base directory for serving static files in a Ratpack application we can use the baseDir method of the ServerConfigBuilder class. We must provide a Path or File to this method. If we want to serve files from the class path, for example a JAR file or directory, we can use the find method of the class BaseDir. The find method will search the class path for a marker file with the name .ratpack. If the file is found then the directory or JAR file it is found in is used as the root of the file system. Normally the root of the class path is searched, but we can change the search path with an argument for the find method.

In the following sample Ratpack application we use the value web-resources/.ratpack.base.dir for the BaseDir.find method. So in our class path we must have a web-resources directory with the file .ratpack.base.dir that will serve as the root file system for serving static files.

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Ratpacked: Using Database As Custom Configuration Source

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We learned about externalised configuration in a previous blog post. Ratpack provides support out of the box for several formats and configuration sources. For example we can use files in YAML, properties or JSON format, arguments passed to the application, system properties and environment variables. We can add our own configuration source by implementing the ratpack.config.ConfigSource interface. We must override the method loadConfigData to load configuration data from a custom source and convert it to a format that can be handled by Ratpack.

We are going to write a custom ConfigSource implementation that will get configuration data from a database. We assume the data is in a table with the name CONFIGURATION and has the columns KEY and VALUE. The format of the key is the same as for Java properties files.

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Ratpacked: Searching Objects In The Registry

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a previous post we learned about the get and getAll methods to get objects from the registry. Ratpack also provides the first method to get objects from the registry. This method accepts a Function that is applied to the elements of a given type. The first element where the Function returns a non null value is returned encapsulated in an Optional object. If the Function returns a null value for all elements than Optional.empty() is returned.

package com.mrhaki.ratpack

import ratpack.registry.Registry
import ratpack.registry.RegistrySpec
import spock.lang.Specification

class FindFirstRegistrySpec extends Specification {

    Registry registry

    def setup() {
        // Setup registry with two objects of type User.
        registry = Registry.of { RegistrySpec registrySpec ->
            registrySpec.add(new User(username: 'mrhaki'))
            registrySpec.add(new User(username: 'hubert'))

    def "find User where username starts with mr"() {
        // First element that returns a non null value
        // is return encapsulated in an Optional.
        final Optional user = registry.first(User) { user ->
            // If username property starts with
            // "mr" than return user as non null value.
            user.username.startsWith("mr") ? user : null

        user.get().username == 'mrhaki'

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Ratpacked: Getting Multiple Objects With Same Type From Registry

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To get objects from the registry or context we specify the type of the object we want. Ratpack will find the object(s) that match the given type. If we use the get method then the last object added to the registry with the given type is returned. To get multiple objects we use the getAll method. The methods returns an Iterable with the found objects where the last added objects are returned as first elements.

In the following example specification we have a Registry with some objects, of which two are of type User. Next we use the get and getAll methods to get the objects.

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Ratpacked: Tapping In On A Promise

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can use the wiretap method of the Promise interface to listen in on results. We write an Action implementation which has the result of a Promise encapsulated in a Result object. The wiretap method can be used to do something with a Promise value without interrupting a method chain.

In the following example we tap in on Promise results:

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Ratpacked: Add Common Handlers Via The Registry

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In our Ratpack application we can have handlers that need to be invoked for every request. For example the handler needs to set a response header and will use the Context.next() method to continue with the rest of the handlers. When we have such a handler we can use the all method of a Chain instance. This happens in the handlers section of our application definition. We can also register such handlers directly in the registry. We can even use a Module to register the handler implementation. To register a handler in the registry we must use the HandlerDecorator interface. The interface has a method prepend that will encapsulate a Handler implementation and makes it available before any other handlers.

In the following sample we have a Handler implementation that checks if the RequestId object is available. If so then the value is set as a response header:

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Ratpacked: Execute Handlers Based On Accept Header

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

A client of our Ratpack application can send a HTTP Accept header to indicate the type of response the client expects or can handle. We can restrict our application to certain types with the accepts method of the Handlers class. We can define one or more String values that denote the types that a client can use and our application responds to. If the value for the Accept header is one of the given values then the next handlers are invoked otherwise a client error 406 Not Acceptable is returned.

In the following example Ratpack application definition we use the accepts method so only values of application/json and application/xml:

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Ratpacked: Implicit Registry Retrieval With InjectionHandler

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

If we write our own handler class it is not so difficult to get objects from the registry and use them in the code. In our handler we have a handle method and we get a Context object as argument. From the Context we get access to objects in the registry. Instead of writing code to get the objects from the registry we can use the InjectionHandler as superclass for our handler. The InjectionHandler class has a handle method that will look for a handle method in our implementation class with a first argument of type Context. Then at least one other argument must be defined in the method signature. The types of the other arguments are used to get the corresponding objects from the registry. We don't write the code to get the object from the registry ourselves, but rely on the implementation in the InjectionHandler class.

The following example handler class extends from the InjectionHandler. We write a handle method and from the signature we see that we have a dependency on the type Messages. In the implementation of the handle method we can rely on the InjectionHandler class to get an object from the registry with type Messages.

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Ratpacked: Using Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) Logging

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The logging framework SLF4J supports Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC). With MDC we can use a logging context that can be identified by something unique. This is useful, because then we can distinguish log messages from a big logging stream by something unique. Normally MDC is implemented on a per thread basis, but that is not useful in a Ratpack application. Ratpack provides the MDCInterceptor class to use SLF4J's MDC support in a Ratpack application. We must register an instance of MDCInterceptor with the registry. We can use the static method instance to create a new instance. With the method withInit we can define an action to be executed for the initialisation of the instance. An Execution parameter is used with the action and we can use it to check for objects in the registry.

In the following example we initialise the MDCInterceptor and check if there is a RequestId object in the registry (as described in the Javadoc of MDCInterceptor). If the RequestId object is available we set the MDC logging context variable requestId with the value of the RequestId object. Later in our logging configuration we can use this value so we can distinguish all logging statements belonging to a single request (with the given identifier).

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Ratpacked: Execute Code On Start and Stop Application Lifecycle Events

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Ratpack has the ratpack.server.Service interface with the methods onStart and onStop. If we write an implementation class for the Service interface and register it with the Ratpack registry, then Ratpack will invoke the onStart method when the application starts and the onStop method when the application stops. The methods take an event object as argument and we can use the event object to access the registry if we need to. Writing an implementation for the Service interface can be useful for example to bootstrap the application with initial data or do other things.

In the following example implementation we log when the application starts and stops. In the onStart method we also display a Ratpack banner on the console.

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