With the command line option -checkversion we can see if we have the latest PlantUML version. The command prints to the console our current PlantUML version and latest version that is available. Inside a PlantUML definition we can use the command checkversion and generate for example a PNG image with information about our PlantUML version and the latest version that can be downloaded.

First we use the command line option -checkversion for an out-of-date version:

$ plantuml -checkversion
PlantUML version 8048 (Thu Sep 29 19:04:02 CEST 2016)

Last available version for download : 8051

A newer version is available for download.

We update our PlantUML and run the command again:

$ plantuml -checkversion
PlantUML version 8051 (Thu Dec 01 18:52:05 CET 2016)

Last available version for download : 8051

Your version is up to date.

Now we use a PlantUML definition so we can generate a graphical representation of the information.


First we use the older version of PlantUML to generate a PNG image:


Next we use the latest version that is available:


Written with PlantUML 8051.
