Posts by Arthur Arts

Why Time Is No Measure For Progress

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Arthur Arts

One of the questions that Project Managers always pop up during projects is: "how many days will it take to finish this work?". This is a very natural and sensible question. You want to know when a project will be finished, so people can have an expectancy of the needed budget, what functionality is in it and when it will be finished. However, answering the question is more difficult than traditionally is assumed.

Imagine you're expecting a friend from a distant city, to come over to your house for a visit. The city is 150 miles away. He's been traveling for a while and you want to know how long it will take to arrive to your house. You expected him to make the trip in three hours. You give him a call and pop him the question. "How long will it take for you to get here?". Imagine him answering "I've been traveling for two hours" What kind of conclusion can you get from this?

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