Binnen softwareontwikkeling worden teams vaak geconfronteerd met een spanningsveld tussen keuzevrijheid en standaardisatie.
Aan de ene kant zorgt keuzevrijheid ervoor dat teams tools en technologieën kunnen kiezen die het beste aansluiten bij hun specifieke behoeften en hun persoonlijke voorkeuren.
Aan de andere kant kan standaardisatie juist helpen om uniformiteit en stabiliteit binnen een organisatie te waarborgen.
De sleutel tot het vinden van een gezonde balans ligt in het ondersteunen van beide doelen, mogelijk door het introduceren van een Enablement team. Ik leg graag uit waarom.
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Struggling with merging multiple repositories together into one (mono) repository?
You wanna preserve your valuable git history?
This blogpost will show you how to do this step-by-step.
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A Spring Boot application typically consists of several components handling the business functionality and probably some configuration to configure all these components.
This configuration consists of defining some properties, setting up some beans with the right conditions and dependencies and wrapping it all together into a class structure.
Nevertheless, the configuration of our Spring Boot application is also code.
Let’s threat is as code.
In this blog we will se how we can improve our Spring Boot Configuration by splitting up the configuration from the properties and how this effects the design principles.
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Since Mapstruct version 1.3.0.Final is out, we are able to better integrate with Lombok Builder pattern.
Mapstruct is a library that takes away a lot of boilerplate code for mapping between POJO’s.
With Mapstruct there is no need for implementing the real mapping itself.
With Lombok we can use a Builder
pattern and mark an object as a Value
(Object). It will result in an immutable object.
This blog post shows how we can use Mapstruct to use the Builder
pattern of Lombok.
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I like to create immutable classes. When using lombok we can easily create immutable classes.
This class Person with the @Value
annotation will create an immutable class with an all args constructor.
The @Builder
will add a Builder pattern to the Person class, so I can use it like this:
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Having an NPM package in an enterprise environment and wanting to release that package using the git-flow
Then using the [node-generate-release]( can be very helpful.
This blog shows how to execute an integrated git flow release
from your NPM package, even if your master
and develop
branches are protected.
Let’s assume we have all changes in the develop
branch and we would like to create a release with all the current changes in develop.
With the git-flow release
the result will be that all changes will be merged into master
and a tag for the release version is created with correct version.
Before we can finish the release the correct version in NPM package.json
needs to be set. This can all be nicely done with node-generate-release
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What if you have created an awesome diagram with PlantUML, and you would like to include that diagram in your documentation?
In this small tutorial we can include a generated PlantUML diagram in typedoc (a way of documenting typescript packages).
Note: Graphiz needs to be installed to run this diagram generation.
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You can check files with correct permissions into Git to be able to run them on the continuous integration server right after checkout.
Setting the right properties in the git-index will force Git to checkout the file and set the right file permissions.
Set the core.fileMode in the git configuration to false.
The means: Do not ignore the file mode. Then update the git-index with --chmod for your file, commit and push the file to the repository.
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In general a REST service serves JSON document formats.
In Spring Boot it is even the standard without having to configure anything.
Over HTTP we have the ability to send a Content-Type as header to instruct the server to return a certain document format (Mime type).
Besides handling JSON, XML is another common document format.
But what if we want to serve or read a YAML document format? This tutorial provides the required steps to be able to handle objects in YAML format.
To be able to send a YAML Content-Type with the header, and to be able to serialize and deserialize with the existing ObjectMappers of Jackson.
This tutorial will use Spring Boot, Jackson and a YAML dataformat extension library for Jackson.
First we need to add the YAML Jackson extension to our Gradle build file.
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Het is zaterdagochtend: terwijl de meeste developers uitslapen en genieten van hun vrije dag zijn een aantal JDriven collega’s al vroeg in de veren.
Op naar Arnhem om kinderen in de leeftijd van 10 tot 14 jaar kennis te laten maken met programmeren.
Een groep van 45 kinderen volgen drie verschillende lessen:
programmeren in Scratch,
python programmeren met Minecraft,
zelf je mBot besturen.
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Having a Angular HTML5 single page application and a Spring Boot application, we would like to serve the complete Angular app from Spring Boot.
This blog shows you a couple simple steps to get everything up and running: run NPM from Gradle, integrate the Gradle frontend build in the main build and support HTML5 mode in the ResourceHandler of Spring Boot.
Create a subdirectory called frontend
with the frontend code and build scripts (webpack, npm).
Let's assume our npm start
and npm run watch
output to the /frontend/dist/
First we need to make sure the frontend code is build when we run gradle build
on our project.
We can use the plugin gradle-node-plugin for this.
Go ahead and create a /frontend/build.gradle
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We have a microservice architecture with one of the microservices having a Spring Batch job which processes a CSV file and calling another microservice.
Both microservices are OAuth2 protected ResourceServers.
When we call the first microservice, a batch job is started and we want the Authorization header to be passed to the second microservice.
The solution can be defined as: In a Feign RequestInterceptor, grab the current OAuth access_token and pass it on the the RequestTemplate with Hystrix running in SEMAPHORE execution isolation strategy
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { .class, args);
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