GitLab Container Registry
is a convenient choice to store Docker images when using GitLab CI.
When every pipeline produces a new Docker image tag, you might want to clean up these image tags periodically.
By default GitLab only offers a simplified Cleanup policy, which relies on regular expressions to clean up old image tags.
But this approach does not take into account which image tags were recently deployed to your environments.
In this blogpost we outline an alternative image tag cleanup mechanism.
We query the GitLab API to see which image tags were recently deployed to our environments, and retain these image tags in case we want to rollback.
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If you’ve been working with Spring Security for a while, it should come as no surprise that from time to time, they deprecate the old, and guide you towards the new.
In 5.7.x such a change involves the often used WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
In Spring Security 5.7.0-M2 we deprecated the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, as we encourage users to move towards a component-based security configuration.
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In this blogpost we will walk through setting up Renovate for use on
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It offers code quality and security scanning, to help developers build maintainable and secure applications.
Typically developers install a plugin in their IDE, for direct feedback.
Merge request decoration acts as second line of defence, to ensure no new findings make it past the merge or pull request review.
This blogpost walks you through the steps to setting up Merge request decoration on for Apache Maven projects.
There’s a few gotcha’s around setting up merge request decoration, which could lead you to threads like these to debug what you did wrong.
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OpenRewrite enables large-scale distributed source code refactoring for framework migrations, vulnerability patches, and API migrations with an early focus on the Java language.
— Introduction to OpenRewrite
To demonstrate OpenRewrite, this blogpost will walk through upgrading a Spring Boot 1.5 application to 2.5+.
Along the way we will pick up JUnit 5, and migrate from Java 8 to 17, with minimal manual intervention.
We’ll start with the Spring PetClinic Sample Application, back as it was almost five years ago in 2017!
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The Gradle Build Cache is particularly well suited to speed up your CI/CD build times.
But to set it up properly in GitLab you need to get a few things exactly right.
This blogpost will guide you through the steps, as well as provide you with some background.
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In this post we’ll set up a complete production grade Kafka Connect installation, highlighting some of the choices and configuration quirks along the way.
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Apache Kafka is often used together with Confluent Schema Registry, as the schema registry allows you to store and retrieve your Avro, JSON Schema and Protobuf schemas for Kafka message (de)serialization.
By storing a versioned history of schemas for topic values, with configurable enforced compatibility,
you ensure producers and consumers can continue to exchange compact serialized messages even as schemas evolve.
By default, client applications automatically register new schemas.
If they produce new messages to a new topic, then they will automatically try to register new schemas.
This is very convenient in development environments, but in production environments we recommend that client applications do not automatically register new schemas.
Best practice is to register schemas outside of the client application to control when schemas are registered with Schema Registry and how they evolve.
— On-Premises Schema Registry Tutorial
On Auto Schema Registration
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Our team has a (not so) slight tendency to not immediately follow through with our deployments to production.
We’ll create and review our changes, merge and deploy to staging, and dilligently test the changes there.
And then… nothing happens.
It could be that something else needs our immediate attention, or someone else wants to confirm an issue is fixed;
Or we might want to deploy at a different point in time as to not disrupt an ongoing process by a service restart.
Any which way the result is the same: changes accumulate in staging, and with that the risk involved with the next production deployment.
To nudge ourselves to deploy to production more often we created a Slack App that gives us a daily report of such pending deployments.
In this post I’ll showcase the code we use, and how to set up something similar yourself.
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