
Grails Goodness: Using Spring Cloud Config Server

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Spring Cloud project has several sub projects. One of them is the Spring Cloud Config Server. With the Config Server we have a central place to manage external properties for applications with support for different environments. Configuration files in several formats like YAML or properties are added to a Git repository. The server provides an REST API to get configuration values. But there is also a good integration for client applications written with Spring Boot. And because Grails (3) depends on Spring Boot we can leverage the same integration support. Because of the Spring Boot auto configuration we only have to add a dependency to our build file and add some configuration.

Before we look at how to use a Spring Cloud Config server in our Grails application we start our own server for testing. We use a local Git repository as backend for the configuration. And we use the Spring Boot CLI to start the server. We have the following Groovy source file to enable the configuration server:

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