IntelliJ IDEA

Change Font Size With Mouse In IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can change the font size in our editor using shortcut keys in IntelliJ IDEA. But we can also use our mouse wheel to do this. We must enable this option in the settings of IntelliJ IDEA. We select the Preferences and then General | Editor. Here we select the option Change font size (Zoom) with Command+Mouse Wheel:

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Easy Editing ResourceBundle Property Files in IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can add a resourcebundle property file to our application to support internationalization (i18n). The file contains key-value pairs where the value is a localized value per supported language or locale. In IntelliJ IDEA we can easily see which keys are not yet translated. We open a resourcebundle property file and click on the ResourceBundle tab at the bottom of the editor. We get a list of all available keys on the left and on the right a text area per supported language with the translated values. If a key is not translated for all supported languages it will be colored in red. We only have to select the keys in red and fill in the values on the right for the given languages.

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Coloring Different Data Sources in IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The database plugin in IntelliJ IDEA is a useful tool to work with data in databases. As long as we got a JDBC driver to connect to the database we can configure a data source. And then we can run queries, inspect the contents of tables and change data with the database tool window. It is not uncommon to have multiple data sources, for example development and test environment databases, which will have the same tables. When we open the tables or run queries we don't have a visual feedback to see to which data source such a table belongs. To have a visual feedback we can colorize our data source. This means we assign a color to a data source and when we open a table from that data source the tab color in the editor window will have a different color than other tabs or the background color of the data source objects have a color.

To add a color to a data source we must open the database tool window and right click on a data source. We select the option Color Settings... from the popup window:

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