
Java Joy: Merge Maps Using Stream API

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Java we can merge a key/value pair into a Map with the merge method. The first parameter is the key, the second the value and the third parameter of the merge method is a remapping function that is applied when the key is already present in the Map instance. The remapping function has the value of the key in the original Map and the new value. We can define in the function what the resulting value should be. If we return null the key is ignored.

If we want to merge multiple Map instances we can use the Stream API. We want to convert the Map instances to a stream of Map.Entry instances which we then turn into a new Map instance with the toMap method from the class Collectors. The toMap method also takes a remapping function when there is a duplicate key. The function defines what the new value is based on the two values of the duplicate key that was encountered. We can choose to simply ignore one of the values and return the other value. But we can also do some computations in this function, for example creating a new value using both values.

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Java Joy: Composing Functions

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Java we can write single argument functions that implement the java.util.function.Function interface. We can combine multiple functions into a new function using the andThen and compose methods from the Function interface. We need to give another function as argument to these methods. When we use the andThen method the output of the original function will be input of the function passed as argument. With the compose method our function will get as input the output of the function that is passed as argument. It is important to know the difference, because it can change the result of the function we are composing. The andThen and compose methods are also available on the IntUnaryOperator, LongUnaryOperator and DoubleUnaryOperator interface.

In the following example we use both andThen and compose to chain together some functions. We can see the result can be different when using andThen and compose with the same functions.

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Java Joy: Partition Stream By Predicate

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Java Stream API has many useful methods. If we want to partition a stream of objects by a given predicate we can use the partitioningBy() method from the package. We must use this method in the collect() method of the stream. The result is a Map with the keys true and false. The objects from the stream that are true for the predicate will end up in the true value list and if the result of the predicate is false the value will end up in the list of values for the false key. The partitionBy method accepts a collector as second parameter. This collector will be applied to the values before they are put in the true or false keys in the result.

In the following example we use the partitioningBy method with different streams:

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Java Joy: Turn Stream Into An Array

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Java Stream API has many useful methods. If we want to transform a Stream to a Java array we can use the toArray method. Without an argument the result is an object array (Object[]), but we can also use an argument to return an array of another type. The easiest way is to use the contructor of the array type we want as method reference. Then the result is an array of the given type with the elements of the stream.

This is very useful if we have a Java Stream and want to use the elements to invoke a method with a variable arguments parameter. In Java we can pass an array object as variable arguments argument to a method. So if we transform the Stream to an array we can invoke the method with that value.

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Let's make a curry

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Jacob van Lingen

One of the first topics you will encounter when studying functional programming will probably be currying. For an imperative programmer not used to mathematical notations, chances are you will find the concept hard to grasp. Then let this be the day you will remember as the day you completely understood currying!

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Java Joy: Optional orElse orElseGet That Is The Question

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Optional class has the orElse and orElseGet methods to return a value when the Optional object is empty. This is useful to return a default value for example. But there is a small difference between the two methods. The orElseGet method needs a Supplier argument that returns a value of the type of the Optional value. The Supplier is only invoked when the Optional value is empty. The statement passed as argument to the orElse method is always executed, even when the Optional value is not empty. Preferrably we should use orElseGet as it will only invoke statements if needed.

In the following example code we see when our method getDefaultGreeting is invoked by using orElse and orElseGet with an empty and non-empty Optional object:

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Oh, those bits and bytes

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Jacob van Lingen

The time is right. Your work is done. The last letter of your Java code has been written. You let the IDE compile the code and a new running version of your app is ready to be released. You’ve done this a thousand times, there’s nothing new on the horizon. The question of what lies beneath, what happens under the hood, has never occurred to you. Until now!

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Custom SSLContext with Apaches fluent HttpClient5

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Sjoerd During

Apaches fluent httpclient API is a facade API to simplify the httpclients usage for standard use cases. It’s also better readable and results in cleaner code. In this post we’ll see how to use a custom SSLContext with the fluent API. We’ll use the new 5.0 version because it contains some changes compared to 4.x.

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Automatic Switching Of Java Versions With SDKMAN!

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

SDKMAN! is a very useful tool to manage versions of so-called software development kits. There are a lot of SDKs supported by SDKMAN!: Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, Gradle, Maven, Leiningen, Micronaut, Grails, Vert.x, JBake, AsciidoctorJ and more. When we look at Java we can use a simple install java <version> command from the command-line to install a version of Java on our computer. SDKMAN! will take care of downloading the Java version and setting all the correct system variables to use that Java version. With the use command we can switch between version in the current shell we are working in. But we can even automatically switch to a specific installed Java version when we enter a directory. This is very useful when we have to work on multiple projects on our computer and each project requires a specific Java version to be used.

To support automatic switching of a Java version we must first run the env init command in the directory of our project. This creates a new file .sdkmanrc in the directory. The file contains the Java version that was active when we invoked the env init command. It is a text file so we can change the Java version in the file, or regenerate the file by running the env init command again, but with a different active Java version.

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Java Joy: Reapply Function With Stream iterate

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Java we can use the iterate method of the Stream class to create an unbounded stream based on function invocations. We pass to the iterate method an initial value and a function that can be applied to the value. The first element in the unbounded stream is the initial value, the next element is the result of the function invocation with as argument the value from the previous element and this continues for each new element. Suppose we have a function expressed as lambda expression i → i + 2. When we use this lambda expression with the iterate method and a initial value of 1 we get a stream of 1, 1 → 1 + 2, 3 → 3 + 2, …​.

As we get an unbounded stream we must for example use limit to get the values we want from the stream. But we can also use an extra argument for the iterate method that is a Predicate definition. The iterate method will provide elements as long as the result of the Predicate is true. This way we the result of the iterate method is a bounded stream.

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Java Joy: Infinite Stream Of Values Or Method Invocations

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Java we can use the generate method of the Stream class to create an infinite stream of values. The values are coming from a Supplier instance we pass as argument to the generate method. The Supplier instance usually will be a lambda expression. To give back a fixed value we simply implement a Supplier that returns the value. We can also have different values when we use a method that returns a different value on each invocation, for example the randomUUID method of the UUID class. When we use such a method we can create the Supplier as method reference: UUID::randomUUID.

The generate method returns an unbounded stream. We must use methods like limit and takeWhile to get a bounded stream again. We must use findFirst or findAny to terminate the unbounded stream and get a value.

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Java Joy: Using Functions To Replace Values In Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Java 9 we can use a function as argument for the Matcher.replaceAll method. The function is invoked with a single argument of type MatchResult and must return a String value. The MatchResult object contains a found match we can get using the group method. If there are capturing groups in the regular expression used for replacing a value we can use group method with the capturing group index as argument.

In the following example we use the replaceAll method and we use a regular expression without and with capturing groups:

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