Spring Boot 3 requires at least Java 17, but that also means the Java version used by Gradle must also be at least 17. Otherwise we will get the following error message when we build our Spring Boot project in IntelliJ using Gradle:
The issue is that the Spring Boot Gradle plugin 3.1.5 requires Java 17, but our project is using Java 11. We can fix this by explicitly setting the Java version that Gradle uses in IntelliJ. Go to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle and change the JVM used for Gradle to a JDK version of at least version 17.
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Since this month, anyone using the OWASP dependency check plugin from Jeremy Long(*1) needs to upgrade to version 9.
The older versions are no longer supported and could fail to work.
It is also recommended to get an NVD api key(*2), else the NVD update can take a very long time.
The NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards based vulnerability management data represented using the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) (*3).
Since most of us are using a build environment, we don’t want to create a key for every project, but if we do not, we might get rate-limit errors.
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Sometimes we want to send HTTP requests to servers that use HTTPS with self-signed certificates.
We then need to tell HTTP Client to not check the certificate of the server.
This is like running the curl command with the --insecure
or '-k' flag.
To disable the certificate verification for HTTP Client we need to adjust the http-client.private.env.json
For the environment we want to disable the certificate verification we must add a SSLConfiguration
In the SSLConfiguration
section we add the verifyHostCertificate
property with value 'true'.
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"Hobbits really are amazing creatures.
You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you".
The astonishment Gandalf experiences, that you know something very well but somehow overlooked it, is not unfamiliar to me.
Well, let me tell you a story…
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