Archive: 2015

Ratpacked: Use Command Line Arguments For Configuration

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Ratpack 1.1 introduced a feature to use command line arguments for our application configuration. We must use the args method of the ConfigDataBuilder class. We can define a common prefix for the arguments and the separator between the configuration property and value. If we don't specify any arguments then Ratpack assumes there is no prefix and the separator is the equal sign (=).

In the following example Ratpack application we use the args method and rely on all the default settings:

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Ratpacked: Using Regular Expressions For Path Tokens

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we define a path in Ratpack we can use regular expressions for matching a request. We must start a token with a double colon (::) and then we can define a regular expression. Ratpack will try to match the request path and uses our regular expression.

In the following example Ratpack application we use a regular expression to match requests that start with Gr after a fixed conferences prefix:

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Ratpacked: Type Conversion For Path Tokens

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Ratpack we can use path token as variable parts of a request. We can access a path token via the PathBinding instance that is added to the context registry by Ratpack. There is a shorthand method getPathTokens to get the PathTokens object. To get the value for a token we use the get method or with the Groovy DSL we can use square brackets with the name of the token. If we expect a token value to be of a certain type, like a Long or Boolean, we can use the asLong or asBoolean method. The value is then converted to the correct type and if the conversion fails an exception is thrown. The exception will be converted to a 500 status code in the response by the default error handler.

The PathTokens class has methods for converting to Long, Byte, Integer, Short and Boolean types with the methods asLong, asByte, asInteger, asShort and asBoolean

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Ratpacked: Using Optional Path Tokens

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To define endpoints in our Ratpack application we can use optional path tokens. This means that a part of the request can have a value or not, but we can a have single path definition that will match. Normally we define a variable path token with a colon (:) followed by a variable name. To make this token optional we follow it with a question mark (?). This tells Ratpack that the token can have a value or not. In our handler we now need to take into account that the path token is optional as well.

Let's write a sample Ratpack application with a path definition containing an optional token. We define a path binding for profiles/:username?. The path token username is available in our handler if the value is set, but also a request for profiles will match for this binding. Then the value for username is not set.

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Ratpacked: Deploy Application As Docker Container

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

If we use the Ratpack Gradle plugin for our project then we automatically get the Gradle application plugin. We can use this together with the Gradle Docker application plugin to deploy our Ratpack application as a Docker container very easily.

To make it work we must apply the com.bmuschko.docker-java-application in our Gradle build file. With this plugin we can define some configuration properties in the docker.javaApplication configuration block. We can set a base image instead of the default java base image. The default image tag is a made up of the project group name, application name and version. To set the exposed port number we use the port property.

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Ratpacked: Add Health Checks

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In the Ratpack core we can find the interface. We can implement this interface to check for example if a mail server, that we need in our application, is available. Any objects that implement this interface and are registered in the Guice registry are handled by Ratpack. Ratpack also offers a HealthCheckHandler to output the results of all health checks or a single health check identified by a name. Instead of creating a new class that implements the HealthCheck interface we can also use the HealtCheck.of method. This method accepts an argument with the name of our check and a Closure or lambda expression with the code that does the checking.

Let's write a sample Ratpack application using the Groovy DSL. We first use the HealthCheck.of to implement a simple health check. We also using the HealthCheckHandler so we can request information about the health check.

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Iterating over a Map in Scala

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Tammo Sminia

Iterating over a map is slightly more complex than over other collections, because a Map is the combination of 2 collections. The keys and the values.

val m: Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b")

m.keys    // = Iterable[Int] = Set(1, 2)
m.values  // = Iterable[String] = MapLike("a", "b")

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Ratpacked: Apply Configuration To Configurable Module

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Ratpack we can use Guice modules to organise code to provide objects to the registry. Ratpack adds configurable modules that take an extra configuration object. Values from the configuration object are used to create new objects that are provided to our application. Using the Groovy DSL we have several ways to make a configuration object available to a configurable module.

Let's create a sample configurable module and look at the different ways to give it a configuration object. We create a module, GreetingModule, that provides a Greeting object. The configuration is defined in the class GreetingConfig.

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Ratpacked: Using PostgreSQL Database

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Ratpack is a lean framework. To add extra functionality, like using a database, we can use framework modules. Ratpack comes with a couple of framework modules. One of the modules is the SqlModule. This module adds a Groovy Sql instance to our application. We can use it to execute SQL code against a database. The SqlModule needs a DataSource instance, so we need to write some code to provide a DataSource instance for a PostgreSQL database.

First we add the JDBC drivers for PostgreSQL to our Gradle build file:

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Ratpacked: Externalized Application Configuration

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Ratpack has very useful methods to apply application configuration in our application. We can read configuration properties from files in different formats, like JSON, YAML and Java properties, and the files can be read from different locations, like class path or file system. We can also set configuration properties via Java system properties on the command line or use environment variables.

We use the ratpack.config.ConfigData class with the static of method to add configuration properties to our application. We provide a lambda expression or Groovy closure to the of method to build our configuration. Here we specify external files, locations and other configuration options we want to include for our application. If the same configuration property is defined in multiple configuration sources Ratpack will apply the value that is last discovered. This way we can for example provide default values and allow them to be overridden with environment variables if we apply the environment variables last.

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Gradle Goodness: Apply External Script With Plugin Configured Through Buildscript

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Suppose we use the Gradle apply from: statement to import another Gradle build file into our build file. The external build file uses a Gradle plugin that needs a buildscript block to define the classpath configuration with the classes needed for the plugin. We cannot use the plugin id inside our external build script to use it, but we must use the type of the plugin. Otherwise Gradle cannot resolve the plugin from the main build file.

Let's create a simple Gradle build that we want to include in our main Gradle build file:

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Grails Goodness: Creating A Runnable Jar

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Grails 3 makes it very easy to create a JAR file that is runnable with a simple $java -jar command. We must use the Grails command package or the Gradle task assemble to package our application as a so-called runnable JAR file. This JAR file has all the necessary classes to start up our Grails application.

In the following example we have a Grails application sample-app. We use the Gradle task assemble to package the application into a JAR file. The resulting JAR file can be found in the build/libs directory of our project:

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