Archive: February 2016

Spocklight: Grouping Assertions

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a Spock specification we write our assertion in the then: or expect: blocks. If we need to write multiple assertions for an object we can group those with the with method. We specify the object we want write assertions for as argument followed by a closure with the real assertions. We don't need to use the assert keyword inside the closure, just as we don't have to use the assert keyword in an expect: or then: block.

In the following example specification we have a very simple implementation for finding an User object. We want to check that the properties username and name have the correct value.

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Ratpacked: Add Chains Via Registry

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a previous blog post we learned how to use HandlerDecorator.prepend to add common handlers via the registry in our application. The type of handlers suitable for this approach were handlers that had common functionality for the rest of the handlers. If we want to add a Chain implementation, containing handlers and maybe even path information, we cannot use the prepend method, must write our own implementation of the HandlerDecorator interface. This can be useful when we want to re-use a Chain in multiple applications. We write a module that adds the Chain implementation to the registry and we don't have to write any code in the handlers section for the Chain to work. This blog post is inspired by a conversation on the Ratpack Slack channel recently. First we create a simple handler that renders a result:

// File: src/main/groovy/com/mrhaki/ratpack/Ping.groovy
package com.mrhaki.ratpack

import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction

 * Implementation of a {@link ratpack.handling.Chain} interface
 * by extending {@link GroovyChainAction}, so
 * we can use Groovy DSL support in the
 * {@link Ping#execute} method.
class Ping extends GroovyChainAction {

    void execute() throws Exception {
        // What we normally would write
        // in the handlers{} section
        // of Ratpack.groovy.
        path('pingpong') {
            render 'Ratpack rules!'

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