Archive: October 2016

Awesome Asciidoctor: Customize the Figure Captions

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

With Asciidoctor we can use images in our documents with the image directive. When the document is converted each image gets a caption. By default the caption label is Figure followed a number for the position of the image in the document. So the first image has a caption Figure 1.. If we add a block title (text prefixed with a .) to the image then that text is used in the caption as well. We can customize the caption label, figure counter, caption text or disable the figure caption using a combination of document and image attributes.

We have the following Asciidoctor markup. We include several images and customize the figure caption settings. To change the caption label (Figure) we set a different value for the document attribute figure-caption. In our example we use the value Logo. Any captions following this definition will have the label Logo.

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing Values for Default Captions

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Asciidoctor has several captions and labels that can be overridden with document attributes. We need to define a document attribute and assign a new value to override a default caption or label. We can use UTF-8 characters as the value. The following list shows captions and labels we can override:

  • :appendix-caption:
  • :caution-caption:
  • :example-caption:
  • :figure-caption:
  • :important-caption:
  • :last-update-label:
  • :manname-title:
  • :note-caption:
  • :table-caption:
  • :tip-caption:
  • :toc-title:
  • :untitled-label:
  • :version-label:
  • :warning-caption:

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Change Level Offset For Included Documents

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

When we use the include directive to include another document we can must make sure the included document fits the levels of our main document. For example the included document shouldn't have level 0 headings if the main document already contains a level 0 heading. We can change the level offset in the main document before including another document. This will change the heading levels for the included document so all heading rules are okay.

To change the level offset we use the document attribute leveloffset. It is best to use a relative value, so if the included document also contains included document the output will still be okay and the heading rules still apply. Alternatively we can use the leveloffset attribute for the include directive. In the following sample document we include other files with a level 0 heading:

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Source Syntax Highlighting With Prism

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Asciidoctor has built-in support for a couple of source syntax highlighting libraries like Coderay, Pygments, highlight.js and prettify. In this post we learn how to use the Javascript library Prism to do the syntax highlighting for our source blocks. Because Prism is a Javascript library we must remember this only works for the HTML backend of Asciidoctor.

In the following markup we have two source code listings in Java and Groovy:

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Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Counters in Markup

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Asciidoctor we can create a document attribute as a counter attribute. The attribute is automatically incremented each time we use it in our markup. We can choose to use numbers or characters. Only latin characters from 'a' to 'z' or 'A' to 'Z' are allowed. By default the counter will start at 1, but we can define another start value when we use the counter attribute for the first time.

To define a counter attribute we must prefix the attribute name with counter:. Each time we use this syntax with the counter: prefix the value is incremented and displayed. To only display the current value, without incrementing, we simply refer to the document attribute without the counter: prefix. For example if we want to add a counter attribute with the name steps we would use the following markup in Asciidoctor: {counter:steps}.

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Integrate Angular in Spring Boot with Gradle

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Willem Cheizoo

Having a Angular HTML5 single page application and a Spring Boot application, we would like to serve the complete Angular app from Spring Boot. This blog shows you a couple simple steps to get everything up and running: run NPM from Gradle, integrate the Gradle frontend build in the main build and support HTML5 mode in the ResourceHandler of Spring Boot.

Create a subdirectory called frontend with the frontend code and build scripts (webpack, npm). Let's assume our npm start and npm run watch output to the /frontend/dist/ directory. First we need to make sure the frontend code is build when we run gradle build on our project. We can use the plugin gradle-node-plugin for this. Go ahead and create a /frontend/build.gradle file.

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Caching HTTP requests in AngularJS

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Niels Dommerholt

In AngularJS, especially when you’re using a 'modern' Web Component like approach, you often have directives request the same information from your services multiple times. Since we’d rather not do round-trips we don’t need to to save on server resources caching is our go-to solution. In this post I will show two different approaches to caching resources: the built-in angular way using $resource and a home-grown solution.

Original post

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Gradle Goodness: Change Gradle Wrapper Script Name

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

With the Gradle Wrapper task we can specify the name of the generated script files. By default the names are gradlew and gradlew.bat. The Wrapper task has the property scriptFile. We can set a different value for this property to let Gradle generate the script files with a different name.

In the following example we use the value mvnw (they will be surprised the build is so fast... ;-)) as the value:

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Baking a Blog

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Niels Dommerholt

One of my 2015 New Year’s resolutions was to finally turn my "I should write about this" notes into actual writing. So here we are! My first ever blog post! One of the things holding me back when it came to creating a blog is picking one of the many available blog frameworks, there’s just too many to choose from!  I wanted something that’s easy to use and easy to back-up. Original post

Just this week I ran into JBake completely by accident (we were working with GVM and I just clicked all the links I didn’t know on that page to see what it was about). Before I hadn’t even thought of using a static blog genererator but when I started reading about it, it made perfect sense!

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