Archive: 2012

Compare JAR files content; decompiling class files

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Willem Cheizoo

When I was recently working on a large restructuring and refactoring where I also replaced Ant by Maven, it was really necessary to compare the complete content of two different JAR files. It was required to know that the result of the restructuring and refactoring hadn't changed the artifacts, thus the JAR files. In the JAR files were different Class files present. When I compared the content of the two JAR files (with a binary compare) all the content was radically changed. This was partly because the compiler compiled the Class files at a different timestamp.

Since I wanted the best possible comparison between the two JAR files I needed to compare all Class files in the JAR by decompiling and comparing. This should give me a clearer and more honest picture of the differences. For this action I used Beyond Compare. By using an additional File Format (Java Class to Source) I was able to completely compare the decompiled Class files of the two JARS.

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Using URL Scheme for Telephone Numbers in HTML

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can use the tel: URL scheme for phone numbers in HTML. Just like the mailto: URL scheme will open the default mail application will the tel: start a telephone call. If the HTML page is viewed on a mobile phone and we select a link with the tel: scheme we can immediately call the number following the scheme. On a desktop computer a VOIP call will be initiated.

We can use hyphens in the phone number for readability, they will be ignored when the call is made. For example the imaginary phone number 123456789 in the Netherlands can be used as shown in the following HTML snippet:

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javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: "package" doesn't contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index

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Albert van Veen

Once in a while we have those small issues which still can take some hours of our day. For example last week I was configuring a Spring JAXB2Marshaller using the context below: <bean id="jaxb2Marshaller"> <property name="contextPaths"> <list value-type="java.lang.String"> <value> </value> <value>nl.jdriven.myproject</value> </list> </property> </bean> However when running my JUnit test using this context the following exception occurred:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jaxb2Marshaller' defined in class path resource \[test-savings-online-direct-export.xml\]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.oxm.UncategorizedMappingException: Unknown JAXB exception; nested exception is javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: "
                                                  " doesnt contain ObjectFactory.class or jaxb.index

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The Quick & Dirty Fraud

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Arthur Arts

If you have a car, then every once in a while, you probably have your vehicle checked to see if it's still up to safety and environmental standards. So you take your car to the garage and have it checked. Now, the garage will do some tests and eventually you'll get a nice paper showing what kind of maintenance they have done.

Nowadays, cars are complex, computerized machines. (The days of dad lying under the car to do some fixing with some elemental tools are all but gone.) This means that as a customer, you will have to rely on the professional capabilities and integrity of the garage. You'll have to trust that if the garage says the car is fixed and okay, it really is fixed and okay. Now imagine that you went to the garage, received the paper that your car is okay, go on the road, and your car breaks down. What would be your reaction? You'd probably hold the garage responsible for this, as they are the experts and you paid them to do a good job. What would your reaction be if they told you that they didn't have time to correctly solve your cars problems and did a 'quick fix', without them telling you?

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SpringOne 2012 essence

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Coen Jansen

So what to take away from the SpringOne 2012 conference? The overall theme of this conference is the changing world we as developer find ourselves in. As we all know the world of software development is always evolving at a rapid pace. This evolution always leads to changes in requirements and new solutions to breach the gap. In some cases these evolutions require a new way of thinking. The essence of this SpringOne is about the latter. The current evolution is driven by:

  • increases in data quantity
  • the explosion of browser enabled devices
  • the request for higher quality of service (an application needs to be able to survive outage of a data center)
  • near real time delivery of contextual information and social integration in frontends.

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JavaScript: console logging (with IE safety)

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Richard Rijnberk

Every once in a while I work on a site which has some or copious amounts of javascript. Now I do not mind this at all. But it's pretty tedious stuff writing the code and putting in loggers. And when you're working on something and you have to test it on IE. Well let's just say the console may cause some problems. But rather then removing all the logging i've found there's an easy solution. Building yourself a logger like structure which checks the existence of the console before writing. That way you can add logging statements without crashing the entire application. A sample logger would look like this:

    log: function(message) {
        if(window.console && console.log) console.log(message)
    dir: function(message) {
        if(window.console && console.dir) console.dir(message)

// We can call this like so:
logger.log($("head title").text());

// or so:

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Safe-guarding AngularJS scopes with ECMAScript 5 "Strict Mode"

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Emil van Galen

Having a history as a Java developer I prefer declaring the complete JavaScript object at once through an object literal; in a similar fashion as your would declare a class in Java. In my opinion adding new properties "on the fly" to a JavaScript object is a very bad practice:

var jsLibrary = { name: 'AngularJS' };
// adds a new property "homepage" to the existing object...
jsLibrary.homepage = '';

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Consume REST JSON webservices easily using Spring Web!

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Sjoerd Schunselaar

Spring made it very easy to consume JSON webservices. In this article I describe how to receive and parse JSON and how to send your Java objects as JSON. First we need to include the required dependencies. If you use maven, include the following dependencies:


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Javascript, keeping it clear

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Richard Rijnberk

Note that this blog is in no way written as a "best practice" or "do it this way" kind of blog. I am not, nor do I aspire to be, the worlds greatest javascript programmer. I do however like my code clear and structured. Now lately some collegues have asked me how I write my code and that in turn prompted this blog. In short the best way to keep your javascript clear is using namespaces. The use of namespacing is very simple and should cause you no problems. As you will come to see it will be both easy and clear for fellow developers to read and modify your code. So yes, if you wish to remain the javascript magician with obscure code that no other developer wants to touch feel free to not use them. Creating a namespace:

var namespace ={

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Adding custom HTML attributes to your AngularJS web app

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Emil van Galen

AngularJS is an excellent JavaScript web framework offering so-called "directives" to 'teach' HTML some new tricks. Examples of built-in AngularJS directives are:

  • "ngView": defines the placeholder for rending views
  • "ngModel": binds scope properties to "input", "select" and "text" elements
  • "ngShow" / "ngDisabled": for showing or disabling an element based on the result of an expressions

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Gradle Goodness: Distribute Custom Gradle in Our Company

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The Gradle wrapper allows us to let developers use Gradle without the need for every developer to install Gradle. We can add the output of the Gradle wrapper task to version control. Developers only need to checkout the source for a project and invoke the gradlew or gradlew.bat scripts. The scripts will look for a Gradle distribution and download it to the local computer of a developer. We can customize the Gradle wrapper and provide a different source for the Gradle distribution. For example we can add the Gradle distribution ZIP file on our company intranet. We then use the distributionUrl property of the Wrapper task to reference the intranet location where we place the Gradle distribution ZIP file.

In the following sample file we use the distributionUrl property to reference our company intranet:

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Groovy Goodness: Pretty Print XML

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The easiest way to pretty print an XML structure is with the [XmlUtil]( class. The class has a serialize() method which is overloaded for several parameter types like String, GPathResult and Node. We can pass an OutputSteam or Writer object as argument to write the pretty formatted XML to. If we don't specify these the serialize() method return a String value.

import groovy.xml.*

def prettyXml = '''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <language id="1">Groovy</language>
  <language id="2">Java</language>
  <language id="3">Scala</language>

// Pretty print a non-formatted XML String.
def xmlString = '<languages><language id="1">Groovy</language><language id="2">Java</language><language id="3">Scala</language></languages>'
assert XmlUtil.serialize(xmlString) == prettyXml

// Use Writer object as extra argument.
def xmlOutput = new StringWriter()
XmlUtil.serialize xmlString, xmlOutput
assert xmlOutput.toString() == prettyXml

// Pretty print a Node.
Node languagesNode = new XmlParser().parseText(xmlString)
assert XmlUtil.serialize(languagesNode) == prettyXml

// Pretty print a GPathResult.
def langagesResult = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString)
assert XmlUtil.serialize(langagesResult) == prettyXml

// Pretty print org.w3c.dom.Element.
org.w3c.dom.Document doc = DOMBuilder.newInstance().parseText(xmlString)
org.w3c.dom.Element root = doc.documentElement
assert XmlUtil.serialize(root) == prettyXml

// Little trick to pretty format
// the result of StreamingMarkupBuilder.bind().
def languagesXml = {
    languages {
        language id: 1, 'Groovy'
        language id: 2, 'Java'
        language id: 3, 'Scala'
def languagesBuilder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder()
assert XmlUtil.serialize(languagesBuilder.bind(languagesXml)) == prettyXml

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