Archive per author
Hubert Klein Ikkink676
- 2024-11-04Mastering Maven: Disable Logging Of Progress Downloading Artifacts
- 2024-11-01Helidon SE Helpings: Default Configuration Sources During Testing
- 2024-10-21Helidon SE Helpings: Default Configuration Sources
- 2024-10-11Helidon SE Helpings: Starting Web Server On A Random Port
- 2024-10-10Spring Boot Sweets: Using Duration Type With Configuration Properties
- 2024-10-09Java Joy: Using JShell With Standard Input
- 2024-10-07Spring Boot Sweets: Using Configuration Properties With DataSize
- 2024-10-01Awesome AssertJ: Using Our Own Assertions Class
- 2024-09-30Awesome AssertJ: Comparing Objects Recursively
- 2024-05-29Clojure Goodness: Extending is Macro With Custom Assertions
- 2024-05-21Clojure Goodness: Combine Multiple Test Cases With are
- 2024-04-22Clojure Goodness: Pretty Printing Collection Of Maps
- 2024-03-26Mastering Mockito: Returning Fresh Stream For Multiple Calls To Mocked Method
- 2024-03-12Gradle Goodness: Organizing Tasks Using The Task Container
- 2024-03-07IntelliJ HTTP Client: Parsing JSON Web Tokens
- 2024-02-29Gradle Goodness: Using System Properties Lazily
- 2024-02-27Gradle Goodness: Using Environment Variables Lazily
- 2024-02-20IntelliJ HTTP Client: Accessing Environment Variables In JavaScript
- 2024-02-15IntelliJ HTTP Client: Using In-Place Variables
- 2024-02-13Gradle Goodness: Continuous Testing For Java Projects
- 2024-02-07Gradle Goodness: Java Toolchain Configuration Using User Defined Java Locations
- 2024-02-05Gradle Goodness: Using Maven Toolchains Configuration For Gradle Java Toolchain Resolution
- 2024-01-29Spring Sweets: Spring Boot 3 With Gradle In IntelliJ
- 2024-01-17IntelliJ HTTP Client: Allowing Insecure HTTPS Requests
- 2023-11-09IntelliJ HTTP Client: Re-using Javascript In Pre-Request And Response Handlers
- 2023-11-07IntelliJ HTTP Client: Using External Files As JSON Payload
- 2023-10-30jq Joy: Sum Of Elements In An Array Or Object
- 2023-10-27jq Joy: Using String Interpolation
- 2023-10-26jq Joy: Getting Keys From Object And Indices From Array
- 2023-10-18jq Joy: Using Default Values With The Alternative Operator
- 2023-10-11Groovy Goodness: Using NullCheck Annotation To Prevent NullPointerException
- 2023-10-04Awesome AssertJ: Using A Custom Representation For Objects
- 2023-07-24Java Joy: Using mapMulti Method Of The Stream API
- 2023-07-19Awesome AssertJ: Writing Assertions For Optional
- 2023-07-18Awesome AssertJ: Assertions For An URL Object
- 2023-07-12Awesome AssertJ: Check Base64 Encoded Strings
- 2023-07-10Awesome AssertJ: Use String Template To Verify String Value
- 2023-07-06Awesome AssertJ: Use returns To Verify An Object Using Functions
- 2023-07-04Awesome AssertJ: Check String Starts Or Ends With A Given Value
- 2023-06-29Awesome AssertJ: Assert toString Method of Object With hasToString Method
- 2023-04-26Groovy Goodness: Sorting Data With GINQ
- 2023-04-25Groovy Goodness: Calculate The Median Of A Collection
- 2023-04-18Groovy Goodness: Using Tuples
- 2023-04-13Spocklight: Testing Asynchronous Code With PollingConditions
- 2023-04-12Spocklight: Testing Asynchronous Code With DataVariable(s)
- 2023-04-11DataWeave Delight: Using The log Function
- 2023-04-07Mastering Maven: Adding Maven Extensions Using extensions.xml
- 2023-04-06Groovy Goodness: Using Subscript Operator With Multiple Fields On Date Related Objects
- 2023-04-05Mastering Maven: Setting Default Maven Options With maven.config
- 2023-03-31Spocklight: Creating Temporary Files And Directories With FileSystemFixture
- 2023-03-30Mastering Maven: Setting Default JVM Options Using jvm.config
- 2023-03-28Gradle Goodness: Publish Version Catalog For Sharing Between Projects
- 2023-03-27Spocklight: Assert Elements In Collections In Any Order
- 2022-12-23Kotlin Kandy: Create Fix Sized Sublists From Iterables With chunked
- 2022-12-22Kotlin Kandy: Split Collection Or String With Partition
- 2022-12-21Kotlin Kandy: Taking Or Dropping Characters From A String
- 2022-12-20Kotlin Kandy: Find Common Prefix Or Suffix In Strings
- 2022-12-19Kotlin Kandy: Transform Items In A Collection To A Map With associate
- 2022-12-16Kotlin Kandy: Padding Strings
- 2022-12-15Kotlin Kandy: Strip Leading Spaces From Multiline Strings
- 2022-12-14Kotlin Kandy: Transforming Collection Items With Index
- 2022-12-13Kotlin Kandy: Getting The Indices Of A Collection
- 2022-12-12Gradle Goodness: Configure Test Task With JVM Test Suite
- 2022-12-08Gradle Goodness: Set Project Version In Version Catalog
- 2022-12-05Gradle Goodness: Add Extra Dependencies For Running Tests Using JVM Test Suite Plugin
- 2022-12-02DataWeave Delight: Turn String Into Snake Case With underscore
- 2022-11-30Change Log Level For Events In Keycloak
- 2022-11-28Gradle Goodness: Using Spock With JVM Test Suite Plugin
- 2022-11-25Gradle Goodness: Set Test Framework Version Using Version Catalog With JVM Test Suite Plugin
- 2022-11-23DataWeave Delight: Turn String Into Kebab Casing With dasherize
- 2022-11-21Mastering Maven: Exclude Modules From Build
- 2022-11-15Gradle Goodness: Grouping Version Catalog Dependencies Into Bundles
- 2022-11-10Gradle Goodness: Defining Plugin Versions Using Version Catalog
- 2022-11-01Clojure Goodness: Writing Text File Content With spit
- 2022-10-10Clojure Goodness: Reading Text File Content With slurp
- 2022-10-05DataWeave Delight: Using the update Operator to change values in an object
- 2022-07-21Groovy Goodness: Using Macros For Getting More Information About Variables
- 2022-07-15Groovy Goodness: Using Macros For Getting String Representation Of Variables
- 2022-07-12DataWeave Delight: Using Literal Types
- 2022-07-08Groovy Goodness: Closed And Open Ranges
- 2022-07-06Get Absolute Path To An SDK With SDKMAN!
- 2022-07-05Groovy Goodness: Creating TOML Configuration With TomlBuilder
- 2022-07-04Groovy Goodness: Reading TOML Configuration
- 2022-07-01Groovy Goodness: Get Row Number In GINQ Result Set
- 2022-06-30Groovy Goodness: Using The Switch Expression
- 2022-06-29DataWeave Delight: Getting The Ordinal Value For A Number
- 2022-06-28DataWeave Delight: Check Type Of Value
- 2022-06-27DataWeave Delight: Calculating Remainder After Division
- 2022-06-24DataWeave Delight: Unzipping Arrays
- 2022-06-23DataWeave Delight: Zipping Arrays
- 2022-06-22DataWeave Delight: Measure Function Duration With time And duration Functions
- 2022-06-21DataWeave Delight: Partition An Array
- 2022-06-20DataWeave Delight: Splitting An Array Or Object
- 2022-06-17DataWeave Delight: Importing Functions With An Alias
- 2022-06-16DataWeave Delight: Reversing the items in an array
- 2022-06-15DataWeave Delight: Convert string value to a boolean
- 2022-06-14DataWeave Delight: Turn string value into array of characters
- 2022-06-13DataWeave Delight: Using dynamic elements to build a new object
- 2022-06-10DataWeave Delight: Using pluck function to transform object to array
- 2022-06-09DataWeave Delight: Using dynamic elements to build a new object
- 2022-06-08DataWeave Delight: Turn string value into array of characters
- 2022-06-07DataWeave Delight: Parsing a URL to a URI object
- 2022-06-03DataWeave Delight: Using string interpolation
- 2022-06-02DataWeave Delight: Calculate the average for an array of numbers
- 2022-06-01DataWeave Delight: Creating a UUID
- 2022-05-30DataWeave Delight: Join array elements into a string
- 2022-03-21DataWeave Delight: Wrapping string values
- 2022-03-16DataWeave Delight: Finding highest or lowest value in an array
- 2022-03-14DataWeave Delight: Reverse a string value
- 2022-02-28DataWeave Delight: Repeating a string value
- 2021-11-01Spocklight: Adjusting Time With MutableClock
- 2021-10-18Spocklight: Writing Assertions for Arguments Mock Methods
- 2021-10-12Clojure Goodness: Create All Parent Directories For A File
- 2021-10-05PlantUML Pleasantness: Change Look-and-feel With Themes
- 2021-04-20Java Joy: Run Action When Optional Value Present Or Not
- 2021-04-13Clojure Goodness: Turning Map Values To Map Keys
- 2021-04-09Java Joy: Getting Multiple Results From One Stream With Teeing Collector
- 2021-04-07Clojure Goodness: Create New Instance Of Java Class
- 2021-04-02Gradle Goodness: Create Properties File With WriteProperties Task
- 2021-03-18Java Joy: Formatting A String Value With Formatted Method
- 2021-03-12Gradle Goodness: Add Support For "Scratch" Files To Java Project
- 2021-03-10Clojure Goodness: Pure Function Sample Buying Coffee From FP Programming In Scala Written In Clojure
- 2021-03-08Gradle Goodness: Enabling Preview Features For Java
- 2021-03-04Java Joy: Apply Function To String With Transform
- 2021-03-02Java Joy: Format Numbers In Compact Form
- 2021-02-26Java Joy: Merge Maps Using Stream API
- 2021-02-24Clojure Goodness: Merge Maps With Function To Set Value Duplicate Keys
- 2021-02-22Java Joy: Composing Functions
- 2021-02-18Gradle Goodness: Setting Plugin Version From Property In Plugins Section
- 2021-02-17Gradle Goodness: Shared Configuration With Conventions Plugin
- 2021-02-12Clojure Goodness: Destructure Sequences
- 2021-02-11Clojure Goodness: Destructuring Maps
- 2021-02-10Clojure Goodness: Remove Duplicates From A Collection With distinct
- 2021-02-08Clojure Goodness: Remove Consecutive Duplicate Elements From Collection
- 2021-02-04Clojure Goodness: Use .. For Invocation Java Method Chaining
- 2021-01-29Clojure Goodness: Invoke Java Method With Varargs Parameter
- 2021-01-26Java Joy: Partition Stream By Predicate
- 2021-01-21Java Joy: Turn Stream Into An Array
- 2020-12-30Java Joy: Optional orElse orElseGet That Is The Question
- 2020-11-05Clojure Goodness: Getting Part Of A Vector With subvec
- 2020-11-04Clojure Goodness: Split Collection With Predicate
- 2020-11-03Clojure Goodness: Shuffle A Collection
- 2020-11-02Clojure Goodness: Formatting With Java Format String
- 2020-10-20Clojure Goodness: Formatting With Java Format String
- 2020-10-16Automatic Switching Of Java Versions With SDKMAN!
- 2020-10-13Clojure Goodness: Finding The Maximum Or Minimum Value
- 2020-10-06Mastering Maven: Replace Files In Archives
- 2020-10-05Gradle Goodness: Replace Files In Archives
- 2020-09-14Sample blogtober 2020
- 2020-07-24Clojure Goodness: Taking Or Dropping Elements From A Collection Based On Predicate
- 2020-07-20Clojure Goodness: Turn Java Object To Map With bean Function
- 2020-07-16Clojure Goodness: Create And Initialize Object Based On Java Class With doto
- 2020-07-14Clojure Goodness: Replacing Characters In A String With escape Function
- 2020-07-10Clojure Goodness: Concatenation Of Map Function Results With mapcat
- 2020-07-08Clojure Goodness: Creating Union Of Sets
- 2020-07-03Clojure Goodness: Find Differences In Sets
- 2020-07-01Clojure Goodness: Keyword As Function
- 2020-06-29Clojure Goodness: Using Sets As Functions
- 2020-06-26Clojure Goodness: Create New Function Complementing Other Function
- 2020-06-24Java Joy: Reapply Function With Stream iterate
- 2020-06-22Java Joy: Infinite Stream Of Values Or Method Invocations
- 2020-06-17Clojure Goodness: Transforming Collection Items With Index
- 2020-06-16Clojure Goodness: Repeating A Value Or Function Invocation
- 2020-06-11Clojure Goodness: Repeat Items In A Collection As Lazy Sequence With cycle
- 2020-06-09Clojure Goodness: Interleave Keys And Values Into A Map With zipmap
- 2020-06-04Clojure Goodness: Composing Functions With comp
- 2020-05-28Clojure Goodness: Using The range Function
- 2020-05-26Clojure Goodness: Set Default Value For nil Function Argument With fnil
- 2020-05-22Clojure Goodness: Partition Collection Into Sequences
- 2020-05-18Clojure Goodness: Counting Frequency Of Items In A Collection
- 2020-05-14Awesome Asciidoctor: Image As Link Reference
- 2020-05-12Clojure Goodness: Check Substring Is Part Of String
- 2020-05-07Clojure Goodness: Getting Results From Multiple Functions With Juxt Function
- 2020-05-06Clojure Goodness: Reapply Function With Iterate To Create Infinitive Sequence
- 2020-05-04Clojure Goodness: Combine First And Next Functions Multiple Times
- 2020-04-21Java Joy: Using Functions To Replace Values In Strings
- 2020-04-20Java Joy: Using Named Capturing Groups In Regular Expressions
- 2020-04-17Clojure Goodness: Checking Predicate For Every Or Any Element In A Collection
- 2020-04-16Clojure Goodness: Get Clojure Version
- 2020-04-15Clojure Goodness: Keep Non-Nil Function Results From Collection
- 2020-04-14Clojure Goodness: Splitting Strings
- 2020-04-10Clojure Goodness: Get Random Item From A Sequence
- 2020-04-09Clojure Goodness: Replacing Matching Values In String
- 2020-04-08Clojure Goodness: Flatten Collections
- 2020-04-07Clojure Goodness: Getting Intersections Between Sets
- 2020-04-06Clojure Goodness: Joining Elements in a Collection
- 2020-04-03Clojure Goodness: Trimming Strings
- 2020-03-30Groovy Goodness: Getting Parts Of A String Enclosed By Strings
- 2020-03-27Groovy Goodness: Taking Or Dropping Number Of Characters From A String
- 2020-03-26Groovy Goodness: Check Object Instances Are The Same With === Operator
- 2020-03-25Groovy Goodness: Using !instanceof Operator
- 2020-03-24Groovy Goodness: Safe Index Based Access For Lists, Arrays and Maps
- 2020-03-23Groovy Goodness: The Elvis Assignment Operator
- 2020-03-20Groovy Goodness: Lambda Default Parameter Value
- 2020-03-19Groovy Goodness: Check Item Is Not In A Collection With !in
- 2020-03-18Groovy Goodness: Shuffle List or Array
- 2020-03-17Groovy Goodness: Parse YAML With YamlSlurper
- 2020-03-16Groovy Goodness: Create YAML With YamlBuilder
- 2020-03-13Groovy Goodness: Calculate Average For Collection
- 2020-03-10Java Joy: Turn A Pattern Into A Predicate
- 2020-01-15Groovy Goodness: Transform Elements While Flattening
- 2019-12-19Awesome Asciidoctor: Auto Number Callouts
- 2019-10-22Java Joy: Transform Elements In Stream Using a Collector
- 2019-10-08Awesome Asciidoctor: Include Asciidoc Markup With Listing or Literal Blocks Inside Listing or Literal Block
- 2019-10-04Gradle Goodness: Stop Build After One Failing Test
- 2019-10-03Java Joy: Combining Predicates
- 2019-10-02Quickly Find Unicode For Character On macOS
- 2019-10-01Spocklight: Use Stub or Mock For Spring Component Using @SpringBean
- 2019-05-23Awesome Asciidoctor: Don't Wrap Lines in All Listing or Literal Blocks of Document
- 2019-04-23Gradle Goodness: Use bill of materials (BOM) As Dependency Constraints
- 2019-04-21Gradle Goodness: Manage Dependency Versions With Dependency Constraints
- 2019-04-03Awesome Asciidoctor: Collapsible Content
- 2019-04-01Awesome Asciidoctor: Help On Syntax As HTML
- 2019-03-28Micronaut Mastery: Parse String Value With Kb/Mb/Gb To Number
- 2019-03-26Micronaut Mastery: Binding Request Parameters To POJO
- 2019-03-08Groovy Goodness: Use Expanded Variables in SQL GString Query
- 2019-02-20Spicy Spring: Group Loggers With Logical Name
- 2019-02-06Gradle Goodness: Only Show All Tasks In A Group
- 2019-02-04Awesome Asciidoctor: Exclude Parts From Included Files
- 2019-01-16Gradle Goodness: Generate Javadoc In HTML5
- 2019-01-15Gradle Goodness: Rerun Incremental Tasks At Specific Intervals
- 2018-11-02Micronaut Mastery: Configuration Property Name Is Lowercased And Hyphen Separated
- 2018-10-24Micronaut Mastery: Consuming Server-Sent Events (SSE)
- 2018-10-17Micronaut Mastery: Use Micronaut Beans In Spring Applications
- 2018-10-09Micronaut Mastery: Running Code On Startup
- 2018-09-06Spicy Spring: Dockerize Spring Boot Application With Jib
- 2018-09-05Awesome Asciidoctor: Document Attributes With Styling
- 2018-09-04Micronaut Mastery: Change The Default Package For Generated Classes
- 2018-09-03Micronaut Mastery: Adding Custom Info To Info Endpoint
- 2018-08-30Micronaut Mastery: Using Specific Configuration Properties For HTTP Client
- 2018-08-27Micronaut Mastery: Using Stubs For Testing
- 2018-08-24Micronaut Mastery: Documenting Our API Using Spring REST Docs
- 2018-08-23Micronaut Mastery: Return Response Based On HTTP Accept Header
- 2018-08-22Micronaut Mastery: Add Custom Health Indicator
- 2018-08-21Micronaut Mastery: Add Build Info To Info Endpoint
- 2018-08-20Micronaut Mastery: Decode JSON Using Custom Constructor Without Jackson Annotations
- 2018-08-17Micronaut Mastery: Using Reactor Mono And Flux
- 2018-06-27Groovy Goodness: Preorder And Postorder Tree Traversal
- 2018-06-26Groovy Goodness: Tuples With Up To 9 Items
- 2018-06-25Groovy Goodness: Creating Extra Method Supporting Named Arguments Using @NamedVariant Annotation
- 2018-06-22Groovy Goodness: Unmodifiable Collections
- 2018-06-20Groovy Goodness: Add Map Constructor With Annotation
- 2018-06-19Groovy Goodness: Implement Interface And Abstract Methods Automatically
- 2018-06-18Groovy Goodness: Customizing JSON Output
- 2018-06-14Groovy Goodness: Remove Last Item From List Using RemoveLast Method (And Pop/Push Methods Reimplemented)
- 2018-06-14Groovy Goodness: Getting All Init And Tail Values Recursively
- 2018-06-14Groovy Goodness: Truncate And Round BigDecimal Values
- 2018-06-14Groovy Goodness: Intersect Collections With Custom Comparator
- 2018-06-13Groovy Goodness: Easy Object Creation With Tap Method
- 2018-06-13Groovy Goodness: Where Is My Class?
- 2018-06-13Groovy Goodness: Calculate MD5 And SHA Hash Values
- 2018-06-12Groovy Goodness: Java 8 Stream Enhancements
- 2018-06-11Groovy Goodness: Use Optional In Conditional Context
- 2018-06-11Groovy Goodness: Using String Values In Ranges
- 2018-06-11Groovy Goodness: Use Range By Method To Set Steps Between Numbers
- 2018-06-07PlantUML Pleasantness: Using AWS, Font Awesome, Devicons and Google Material Icons
- 2018-06-06PlantUML Pleasantness: Setting Arrow Directions
- 2018-06-06Gradle Goodness: Enable Task Based On Offline Command Line Argument
- 2018-05-18Gradle Goodness: Command Line Options For Custom Tasks
- 2017-10-31Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Diagram Block Macro To Include Diagrams
- 2017-10-30Groovy Goodness: Download Grab Dependencies In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2017-10-24PlantUML Pleasantness: Using The Built-in Icons
- 2017-10-23PlantUML Pleasantness: Creating Our Own Sprites
- 2017-10-20PlantUML Pleasantness: Layout Elements With Hidden Lines
- 2017-10-19PlantUML Pleasantness: Use Gradients In Diagrams
- 2017-10-17Groovy Goodness: Make Sure Closeable Objects Are Closed Using withCloseable Method
- 2017-10-16Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Only Block As List Item
- 2017-10-13PlantUML Pleasantness: Align Multi-line Label Text
- 2017-10-12Awesome Asciidoctor: Prevent Transformation of URL to Hyperlink
- 2017-10-08Awesome Asciidoctor: Grouping Floating Images
- 2017-10-07Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Tab Separated Data In A Table
- 2017-10-03Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Paragraphs in Lists With List Item Continuation
- 2017-10-02Spocklight: Reuse Variables In Data Providers
- 2017-10-01Spocklight: Group Assertions With verifyAll
- 2017-06-13Ratpacked: Assert No Exceptions Are Thrown With RequestFixture
- 2017-06-12Spocklight: Indicate Specification As Pending Feature
- 2017-05-08Awesome Asciidoctor: Nested Tables
- 2017-04-25Gradle Goodness: Using Incremental Task Action
- 2017-04-24Gradle Goodness: Change Local Build Cache Directory
- 2017-04-18Gradle Goodness: Enable Build Cache For All Builds
- 2017-04-14Spring Sweets: Hiding Sensitive Environment Or Configuration Values From Actuator Endpoints
- 2017-04-13Spocklight: Set Timeout On Specification Methods
- 2017-04-12Spocklight: Ignoring Other Feature Methods Using @IgnoreRest
- 2017-04-11Ratpacked: Conditionally Map Or Flatmap A Promise
- 2017-04-10Ratpacked: Get Time Taken To Fulfil Promise
- 2017-04-04Groovy Goodness: Redirecting Print Methods In Scripts
- 2017-03-24Ratpacked: Add Ratpack To Spring Boot Application
- 2017-03-21Spring Sweets: Access Application Arguments With ApplicationArguments Bean
- 2017-03-20Spring Sweets: Custom Exit Code From Exception
- 2017-03-17Ratpacked: Override Registry Objects With Mocks In Integration Specifications
- 2017-03-16Ratpacked: Combine Groovy DSL With RatpackServer Java Configuration
- 2017-03-15Ratpacked: Type Check And Static Compilation For Groovy DSL
- 2017-03-14Ratpacked: Implement Custom Rendering With Renderable Interface
- 2017-03-13Gradle Goodness: Create Shortcut Key To Refresh Gradle Projects In IntellIJ IDEA
- 2017-03-10Ratpacked: Implement A Custom Request Parser
- 2017-03-09Ratpacked: Render Optional Type Instance
- 2017-03-08Ratpacked: Using Spring Cloud Contract As Client
- 2017-03-07Ratpacked: Using Spring Cloud Contract To Implement Server
- 2017-03-06Ratpacked: Easy URI Creation With HttpUrlBUillder
- 2017-03-03Gradle Goodness: Skip Task When Input Empty Using @SkipWhenEmpty Annotation
- 2017-03-02Grails Goodness: Custom JSON and Markup Views For Default REST Resources
- 2017-02-24Grails Goodness: Using Domain Classes Without Persistence
- 2017-02-21Groovy Goodness: Using The Call Operator ()
- 2017-02-20Groovy Goodness: Creating Root JSON Array With JsonBuilder
- 2017-02-06Gradle Goodness: Check Operating System In Build Scripts
- 2017-01-25Groovy Goodness: Uncapitalize Strings
- 2017-01-23Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Filename Starting With Dot As Block Title
- 2017-01-18Gradle Goodness: Run Task Ignoring Up-to-date Checks
- 2017-01-17Spring Sweets: Add (Extra) Build Information To Info Endpoint
- 2017-01-16Spring Sweets: Add Git Info To Info Endpoint
- 2017-01-06PlantUML Pleasantness: Get PlantUML Definition From PNG
- 2017-01-05PlantUML Pleasantness: Change Line Style And Color
- 2017-01-05Gradle Goodness: Passing Environment Variable Via Delegate Run Action In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2017-01-04Awesome Asciidoctor: Change Number Style For Ordered Lists
- 2017-01-04PlantUML Pleasantness: Using Current Date
- 2017-01-03Grails Goodness: Writing Log Messages With Grails 3.2 (Slf4J)
- 2017-01-02PlantUML Pleasantness: Check If PlantUML Is Up To Date
- 2016-12-23PlantUML Pleasantness: Generate Graphical Version Information
- 2016-12-22PlantUML Pleasantness: Create A Sudoku :)
- 2016-12-21PlantUML Pleasantness: Include Partial Content From Files
- 2016-12-20PlantUML Pleasantness: Customize Stereotype Styling
- 2016-12-19PlantUML Pleasantness: Keeping Elements Together
- 2016-12-16PlantUML Pleasantness: No Shadows In Diagrams
- 2016-12-15PlantUML Pleasantness: Diagrams In Black And White
- 2016-12-14PlantUML Pleasantness: Align Elements With Line Length
- 2016-12-13Gradle Goodness: Delegate Build And Run Actions To Gradle In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-12-12Grails Goodness: Enabling Grails View In IntelliJ IDEA For Grails 3
- 2016-12-09Gradle Goodness: Creation Rules For Rule Based Model Configuration Using Model DSL
- 2016-12-08Gradle Goodness: Getting Project Information Into Rule Based Model Configuration
- 2016-12-07Gradle Goodness: Validate Model In Rule Based Model Configuration
- 2016-12-06Gradle Goodness: Replacing
- 2016-12-05Gradle Goodness: Set Default Values With Rule Based Model Configuration
- 2016-12-02Gradle Goodness: Show Hidden Model Objects
- 2016-12-01Gradle Goodness: Get Model Report In Short Format
- 2016-11-30Gradle Goodness: Adding Task With Rule Based Model Configuration
- 2016-11-24Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Ruby Extensions With Asciidoctor Gradle Plugin
- 2016-11-23Gradle Goodness: Custom Plugin Repositories With Plugins DSL
- 2016-11-02Ratpacked: Creating Pairs From Promises
- 2016-11-01Groovy Goodness: Identity Closure
- 2016-10-31Groovy Goodness: Interrupted Sleeping
- 2016-10-30Grails Goodness: Skip Bootstrap Code
- 2016-10-29Groovy Goodness: Direct Field Access In (Super) Classes
- 2016-10-28Awesome Asciidoctor: Trick To Use Caption Labels And Numbers In References
- 2016-10-26Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Captions For Listing Blocks
- 2016-10-25Interesting links (week 43 2016)
- 2016-10-24Gradle Goodness: Specify Wrapper Version and Distribution Type From Command Line
- 2016-10-23Awesome Asciidoctor: Highlight Lines In Source Code Listings
- 2016-10-22Spocklight: Custom Default Responses for Stubs
- 2016-10-20Awesome Asciidoctor: Customize the Figure Captions
- 2016-10-19Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing Values for Default Captions
- 2016-10-18Interesting links (week 42 2016)
- 2016-10-17Awesome Asciidoctor: Change Level Offset For Included Documents
- 2016-10-16Awesome Asciidoctor: Source Syntax Highlighting With Prism
- 2016-10-15Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Counters in Markup
- 2016-10-12Awesome Asciidoctor: Replacements For Text To Symbols
- 2016-10-11Interesting links (week 41 2016)
- 2016-10-10Gradle Goodness: Change Gradle Wrapper Script Name
- 2016-10-08Gradle Goodness: Lazy Project Property Evaluation
- 2016-10-04Interesting links (week 40 2016)
- 2016-10-03Gradle Goodness: Use Command Line Options With Custom Tasks
- 2016-10-02Spocklight: Check No Exceptions Are Thrown At All
- 2016-10-01Gradle Goodness: Add But Do Not Apply Plugin Using Plugins Block
- 2016-09-19Gradle Goodness: Check The Gradle Daemon Status
- 2016-09-05Check Which Candidates Can Be Updated With SDKMAN!
- 2016-07-08Ratpacked: Create a Partial Response
- 2016-07-07Grails Goodness: Pass JSON Configuration Via Command Line
- 2016-07-06Ratpacked: Using Groovy Configuration Scripts As Configuration Source
- 2016-07-05Spicy Spring: Using Groovy Configuration As PropertySource
- 2016-07-05Ratpacked: Handling Exceptions When Reading Configuration Sources
- 2016-07-04Groovy Goodness: Customise Log AST Annotations
- 2016-07-01Groovy Goodness: Turn A Map Or List As String To Map Or List
- 2016-07-01Groovy Goodness: Represent Map As String
- 2016-06-29Groovy Goodness: Make Class Cloneable With @AutoClone
- 2016-06-28Grails Goodness: Add Banner To Grails 3.1 Application
- 2016-06-27Grails Goodness: Creating A Fully Executable Jar
- 2016-06-24Grails Goodness: Adding Custom Info To Info Endpoint
- 2016-06-23Grails Goodness: Add Git Commit Information To Info Endpoint
- 2016-06-22Ratpacked: Use TestHttpClient For External HTTP Services
- 2016-06-21Groovy Goodness: IntelliJ IDEA Formatting Of Closure Chains
- 2016-06-20Ratpacked: Stub External HTTP Service
- 2016-06-17Ratpacked: Include Files In The Ratpack Groovy DSL
- 2016-06-17Ratpacked: Revisited Using Multiple DataSources
- 2016-06-17Ratpacked: Using Multiple DataSources
- 2016-06-16Spicy Spring: Running Our Own Spring Initializr Server
- 2016-06-16Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Admonition Icons On GitHub
- 2016-06-15Gradle Goodness: Running All Tests From One Package
- 2016-06-15IntelliJ IDEA: How Productive Was Your Day?
- 2016-06-15Ratpacked: Using Spring As Component Registry
- 2016-05-31Groovy Goodness: Creating Files And Directories With Nice DSL Using FileTreeBuilder
- 2016-05-30Grails Goodness: Running Tests Continuously
- 2016-05-27Grails Goodness: Use Random Server Port In Integration Tests
- 2016-05-26Gradle Goodness: Get Property Value With findProperty
- 2016-05-26Grails Goodness: Change Version For Dependency Defined By BOM
- 2016-03-21Gradle Goodness: Source Sets As IntelliJ IDEA Modules
- 2016-03-18Gradle Goodness: Add Spring Facet To IntelliJ IDEA Module
- 2016-03-18Gradle Goodness: Set VCS For IntelliJ IDEA In Build File
- 2016-03-17Gradle Goodness: Configure IntelliJ IDEA To Use Gradle As Testrunner
- 2016-03-17Spicy Spring: Create New Projects From a URL
- 2016-03-17Gradle Goodness: Enable Compiler Annotation Processing For IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-03-17Groovy Goodness: Using Tuples
- 2016-03-16Javaland 2016 Conference Report
- 2016-03-16Gradle Goodness: Adding Custom Extension To Tasks
- 2016-03-09Gradle Goodness: Lazy Task Properties
- 2016-03-08Gradle Goodness: Methods Generated For Setting Task Properties
- 2016-03-07Gradle Goodness: Inter-Project Artifact Dependencies
- 2016-03-04Groovy Goodness: Customising The Groovy Compiler
- 2016-03-03Grails Goodness: Changing Gradle Version
- 2016-03-02Gradle Goodness: Getting Information About Buildscript Dependencies
- 2016-03-01Interesting links (week 8 2016)
- 2016-03-01Groovy Goodness: Customise Groovydoc Output With Gradle
- 2016-02-29Ratpacked: Running With LiveReload Using Gradle
- 2016-02-24Gradle Goodness: Build Script Using Java Syntax
- 2016-02-23Gradle Goodness: Using Nested Domain Object Containers
- 2016-02-22Interesting links (week 7 2016)
- 2016-02-22Gradle Goodness: Create Objects Using DSL With Domain Object Containers
- 2016-02-19Ratpacked: Debugging Application Defined Using Groovy DSL In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-02-18Ratpacked: Running Ratpack In Groovy Console
- 2016-02-17Interesting links (week 6 2016)
- 2016-02-17Ratpacked: Different Base Directory With Marker File
- 2016-02-16Gradle Goodness: Specify Spock As Test Framework At Initialization
- 2016-02-15Gradle Goodness: Running Groovy Scripts Using Like From Command Line
- 2016-02-12Ratpacked: Customising Renderers With Decorators
- 2016-02-11Ratpacked: Using Database As Custom Configuration Source
- 2016-02-10Ratpacked: Searching Objects In The Registry
- 2016-02-09Grails Goodness: Creating A Runnable Distribution
- 2016-02-08Interesting links (week 5 2016)
- 2016-02-08Grails Goodness: Saving Server Port In A File
- 2016-02-05Grails Goodness: Using Spring Cloud Config Server
- 2016-02-04Ratpacked: Getting Multiple Objects With Same Type From Registry
- 2016-02-03Ratpacked: Tapping In On A Promise
- 2016-02-02Spocklight: Grouping Assertions
- 2016-02-01Interesting links (week 4 2016)
- 2016-02-01Ratpacked: Add Chains Via Registry
- 2016-01-29Ratpacked: Add Common Handlers Via The Registry
- 2016-01-27Ratpacked: Execute Handlers Based On Accept Header
- 2016-01-26Ratpacked: Implicit Registry Retrieval With InjectionHandler
- 2016-01-25Interesting links (week 3 2016)
- 2016-01-25Ratpacked: Using Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) Logging
- 2016-01-22Ratpacked: Execute Code On Start and Stop Application Lifecycle Events
- 2016-01-21Ratpacked: Respond To Custom MIME Types
- 2016-01-20Ratpacked: Register Renderer For A List Of Objects
- 2016-01-19Ratpacked: Add Response Time To Response Header
- 2016-01-15Ratpacked: Extending GroovyChain DSL
- 2016-01-14Ratpacked: Using Names With Regular Expression Tokens
- 2016-01-13Ratpacked: Special Routing Of Promise Values Using Predicates
- 2016-01-12Change Font Size With Mouse In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-01-11Grails Goodness: Quickly Create GSP From Controller In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-01-08Grails Goodness: Go To Related Classes In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2016-01-07Grails Goodness: Change Locale With Request Parameter
- 2016-01-06Grails Goodness: Enable Hot Reloading For Non-Development Environments
- 2016-01-05Ratpacked: Validating Forms
- 2015-11-30Ratpacked: Use Command Line Arguments For Configuration
- 2015-11-27Ratpacked: Using Regular Expressions For Path Tokens
- 2015-11-26Ratpacked: Type Conversion For Path Tokens
- 2015-11-25Ratpacked: Using Optional Path Tokens
- 2015-11-20Ratpacked: Deploy Application As Docker Container
- 2015-11-19Ratpacked: Add Health Checks
- 2015-11-18Ratpacked: Apply Configuration To Configurable Module
- 2015-11-17Ratpacked: Using PostgreSQL Database
- 2015-11-16Ratpacked: Externalized Application Configuration
- 2015-11-10Gradle Goodness: Apply External Script With Plugin Configured Through Buildscript
- 2015-11-09Grails Goodness: Creating A Runnable Jar
- 2015-11-06Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Asciidoctor In Javadoc Comments
- 2015-11-04Ratpacked: Log Request Duration
- 2015-11-03Ratpacked: Request Logging
- 2015-11-02Ratpacked: Start Ratpack With a Random Port Number
- 2015-10-30Ratpacked: Change Server Port With Environment Variable
- 2015-10-29Gradle Goodness: Setting Global Properties For All Gradle Builds
- 2015-10-28Ratpacked: Groovy DSL Code Completion In IntelliJ IDEA
- 2015-10-27Gradle Goodness: Download Javadoc Files For Dependencies In IDE
- 2015-10-26Ratpacked: Use Asynchronous Logging
- 2015-10-23Ratpacked: Start Ratpack With a Random Port Number
- 2015-10-22Ratpacked: Default Port Is 5050
- 2015-10-21Grails Goodness: Get List Of Application Profiles
- 2015-10-20Grails Goodness: Run Gradle Tasks In Grails Interactive Mode
- 2015-10-19Grails Goodness: Update Application With Newer Grails Version
- 2015-10-16Grails Goodness: Use A Different Logging Configuration File
- 2015-10-15Grails Goodness: Change Base Name For External Configuration Files
- 2015-10-14Grails Goodness: Use Different External Configuration Files
- 2015-10-13Grails Goodness: Using Random Values For Configuration Properties
- 2015-10-12Grails Goodness: Using External Configuration Files Per Environment
- 2015-10-09Grails Goodness: Defining Spring Beans With doWithSpring Method
- 2015-10-08Grails Goodness: Passing System Properties With Gradle
- 2015-10-07Grails Goodness: Pass Configuration Values Via Environment Variables
- 2015-10-06Grails Goodness: See Information About Plugins
- 2015-10-05Spocklight: Mocks And Stubs Returning Sequence of Values
- 2015-10-02Groovy Goodness: Turn Method Parameters Into Named Map Arguments With IntelliJ IDEA
- 2015-10-01Groovy Goodness: Turn Map Into Class With IntelliJ IDEA
- 2015-09-30Spicy Spring: Java System Properties As Configuration Properties With Spring Boot
- 2015-09-29Gradle Goodness: Pass Java System Properties To Java Tasks
- 2015-09-28Gradle Goodness: Getting More Help For a Task
- 2015-09-25Spicy Spring: Setting Configuration Properties Via Environment Variables
- 2015-09-24Spicy Spring: Report Applied Auto-configuration Spring Boot
- 2015-09-23Groovy Goodness: Defining Public Accessible Constant Fields
- 2015-09-23Spicy Spring: Reload Classes Spring Boot With Spring Loaded And Gradle Continuous Build
- 2015-09-22Groovy Goodness: IntelliJ IDEA Intentions For String Values
- 2015-09-21Groovy Goodness: Exclude Transitive Dependencies With Grape
- 2015-09-18Groovy Goodness: See More Info About Downloading With Grape
- 2015-09-17Groovy Goodness: Change Directory For Saving Dependencies Grape
- 2015-09-16Groovy Goodness: Operator Overloading in Reverse
- 2015-09-15Groovy Goodness: Inspect Method Returns Nicely Formatted Object Values
- 2015-09-14Groovy Goodness: Removing Elements From a Collection
- 2015-09-11Awesome Asciidoctor: Leave Section Titles Out of Table Of Contents
- 2015-09-08Spocklight: Only Run Specs Based On Conditions
- 2015-09-07Spocklight: Undo Changes in Java System Properties
- 2015-09-02Spocklight: Auto Cleanup Resources
- 2015-08-31Spocklight: Optimize Run Order Test Methods
- 2015-08-28Gradle Goodness: Quickly Open Test Report in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2015-08-28Spocklight: Include or Exclude Specifications Based On Class or Interface
- 2015-08-28Spocklight: Including or Excluding Specifications Based On Annotations
- 2015-08-26Show Logback Configuration Status with Groovy Configuration
- 2015-08-25Redirect Logging Output to Standard Error with Logback
- 2015-08-25Gradle Goodness: Using Continuous Build Feature
- 2015-06-03NextBuild 2015 Conference Report
- 2015-05-07Groovy Goodness: Share Data in Concurrent Environment with Dataflow Variables
- 2015-05-01Grails Goodness: Custom Data Binding with @DataBinding Annotation
- 2015-04-30Grails Goodness: Adding Health Check Indicators
- 2015-04-29Grails Goodness: Log Startup Info
- 2015-04-28Grails Goodness: Save Application PID in File
- 2015-04-27Awesome Asciidoctor: Display Keyboard Shortcuts
- 2015-04-24Gradle Goodness: Handle Copying Duplicate Files
- 2015-04-23Gradle Goodness: Use Git Commit Id in Build Script
- 2015-04-22Awesome Asciidoctor: Adding Custom Content to Head and Footer
- 2015-04-21Gradle Goodness: Alter Start Scripts from Application Plugin
- 2015-04-20Grails Goodness: Add Some Color to Our Logging
- 2015-04-19Spicy Spring: Using @Value for Constructor Arguments
- 2015-04-17Grails Goodness: Set Log Level for Grails Artifacts
- 2015-04-16Grails Goodness: Add Banner to Grails Application
- 2015-04-15Groovy Goodness: Use Closures as Java Lambda Expressions
- 2015-04-14Greach 2015 Conference Report
- 2015-03-27Groovy Goodness: New Methods to Sort and Remove Duplicates From Collection
- 2015-03-25Groovy Goodness: Combine Elements Iterable with Index
- 2015-03-24Groovy Goodness: Swapping Elements in a Collection
- 2015-03-23Groovy Goodness: Use Constructor as Method Pointer
- 2015-03-05Gradle Goodness: Define System Properties in File
- 2015-03-05Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Inline Extension DSL with Gradle
- 2015-03-04Awesome Asciidoctor: Creating a Checklist
- 2015-03-03Awesome Asciidoctor: Change Start Number for Numbered List
- 2015-03-02Awesome Asciidoctor: Customize How Missing Attributes Are Handled
- 2015-02-20Groovy Goodness: Access XML-RPC API
- 2015-02-09Spocklight: Capture and Assert System Output
- 2015-01-30Groovy Goodness: Getting the Indices of a Collection
- 2015-01-29Groovy Goodness: Pop And Push Items In a List
- 2015-01-29Groovy Goodness: Getting All But the Last Element in a Collection with Init Method
- 2015-01-27Groovy Goodness: Take Or Drop Last Items From a Collection
- 2014-12-24Gradle Goodness: Rename Ant Task Names When Importing Ant Build File
- 2014-12-11Awesome Asciidoctor: Nested Delimited Blocks
- 2014-12-09Gradle Goodness: Continue Build Even with Failed Tasks
- 2014-12-05Gradle Goodness: Skip Building Project Dependencies
- 2014-12-04Awesome Asciidoctor: Span Cell over Rows and Columns
- 2014-12-03Awesome Asciidoctor: Repeating Cell Contents
- 2014-12-02Awesome Asciidoctor: Disable Last Updated Text in Footer
- 2014-12-01Grails Goodness: Create New Application without Wrapper
- 2014-11-27Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Document Fragments
- 2014-11-26Gradle Goodness: Using and Working with Gradle Version
- 2014-11-25Gradle Goodness: Using CopySpec with Tasks
- 2014-11-24Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing the Grid and Frame of Tables
- 2014-11-17Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Asciidoctor Diagram with Gradle
- 2014-11-12Awesome Asciidoctor: Styling Columns and Cells in Tables
- 2014-11-11Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing Table and Column Width
- 2014-11-11Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Asciidoc in Tables
- 2014-11-10Awesome Asciidoctor: Table Column and Cell Alignment
- 2014-11-07Awesome Asciidoctor: CSV and DSV Tables
- 2014-10-22Gradle Goodness: Changing Name of Default Build File
- 2014-10-15Groovy Goodness: Closure as a Class
- 2014-10-14Spocklight: Indicate Class Under Test with Subject Annotation
- 2014-09-30Gradle Goodness: Running Groovy Scripts as Application
- 2014-09-19Gradle Goodness: Adding Dependencies Only for Packaging to War
- 2014-09-01Awesome Asciidoc: Conditional Directive to Check If Document is On GitHub
- 2014-08-29Awesome Asciidoc: Changing the FontAwesome CSS Location
- 2014-08-28Awesome Asciidoc: Change URI Scheme for Assets
- 2014-08-27Gradle Goodness: Suppress Progress Logging
- 2014-08-26Awesome Asciidoc: Adding Line Numbers to Source Code Listings
- 2014-08-22Awesome Asciidoc: Changing Highlight.js Theme
- 2014-08-21Awesome Asciidoc: Using Comments
- 2014-08-20Awesome Asciidoc: Links Without URI Scheme
- 2014-08-19Groovy Goodness: Using Layouts with MarkupTemplateEngine
- 2014-08-18Gradle Goodness: Getting More Dependency Insight
- 2014-08-15Groovy Goodness: Nested Templates with MarkupTemplateEngine
- 2014-08-14Groovy Goodness: Use Custom Template Class with MarkupTemplateEngine
- 2014-08-13Groovy Goodness: Relax... Groovy Will Parse Your Wicked JSON
- 2014-08-12Awesome Asciidoc: Using Conditional Directives
- 2014-08-11Awesome Asciidoc: Include Only Certain Lines from Included Files
- 2014-08-08Grails Goodness: Using Bintray JCenter as Repository
- 2014-08-07Grails Goodness: Conditionally Load Beans in Java Configuration Based on Grails Environment
- 2014-08-06Grails Goodness: Use Spring Java Configuration
- 2014-07-14Grails Goodness: Using Converter Named Configurations with Default Renderers
- 2014-07-11Grails Goodness: Custom Controller Class with Resource Annotation
- 2014-07-10Grails Goodness: Change Response Formats in RestfulController
- 2014-07-09Grails Goodness: Enable Accept Header for User Agent Requests
- 2014-06-26Spocklight: Write Our Own Data Provider
- 2014-06-25Spocklight: Assign Multiple Data Variables from Provider
- 2014-06-23Spocklight: Ignore Specifications Based On Conditions
- 2014-06-19Spocklight: Extra Data Variables for Unroll Description
- 2014-06-16Gr8Conf 2014 Europe Conference Report
- 2014-05-23Easy Editing ResourceBundle Property Files in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2014-05-23Grails Goodness: Run Groovy Scripts in Grails Context
- 2014-05-09Groovy Goodness: BaseScript with Abstract Run Script Method
- 2014-05-09Groovy Goodness: Use Sortable Annotation to Make Classes Comparable
- 2014-05-08Groovy Goodness: @Builder Definition with Extra Type Checks
- 2014-05-08Groovy Goodness: Using Builder to Create Fluent API for Other Classes
- 2014-05-08Groovy Goodness: Use Builder AST Transformation for Fluent API
- 2014-05-08Groovy Goodness: Extra Methods for NIO Path
- 2014-05-08Groovy Goodness: More Efficient Tail Recursion With TailRecursive Annotation
- 2014-05-06Awesome Asciidoc: Explain Code with Callouts
- 2014-05-02Grails Goodness: Using Aliases as Command Shortcuts
- 2014-05-01Awesome Asciidoc: Include Partial Parts from Code Samples
- 2014-04-25Groovy Goodness: Define Compilation Customizers With Builder Syntax
- 2014-04-24Groovy Goodness: Restricting Script Syntax With SecureASTCustomizer
- 2014-04-24Groovy Goodness: Customize ToString Creation
- 2014-04-17Grails Goodness: Extending IntegrateWith Command
- 2014-04-17Grails Goodness: Generate Default .gitignore Or .hgignore File
- 2014-04-14Coloring Different Data Sources in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2014-04-07Groovy Goodness: Closure as Writable
- 2014-04-07Groovy Goodness: GString as Writable
- 2014-04-04Groovy Goodness: Converting Byte Array to Hex String
- 2014-03-20Grails Goodness: Using Groovy SQL
- 2014-03-19Grails Goodness: Using Hibernate Native SQL Queries
- 2014-03-18Grails Goodness: Combining Constraints with Shared Constraints
- 2014-03-17Change Font Terminal Tool Window in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2014-02-11Grails Goodness: Run Forked Tests in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2014-02-07Search for Anything with Search Everywhere in IntelliJ IDEA
- 2014-02-06Grails Goodness: Customize Root Element Name Collections for XML Marshalling
- 2014-02-03Grails Goodness: Cleaning Up
- 2013-12-17Grails Goodness: Debugging App in Forked Mode
- 2013-12-10Grails Goodness: Using Closures for Select Value Rendering
- 2013-12-10Grails Goodness: Rendering Partial RESTful Responses
- 2013-11-22Grails Goodness: Register Custom Marshaller Using ObjectMarshallerRegisterer
- 2013-11-22Grails Goodness: Include Domain Version Property in JSON and XML Output
- 2013-11-22Grails Goodness: Pretty Print XML and JSON Output
- 2013-11-21Grails Goodness: Grouping URL Mappings
- 2013-11-21Grails Goodness: Create Report of URL Mappings
- 2013-11-21Grails Goodness: Get Request Parameters with Default Values
- 2013-11-20Grails Goodness: Generating Raw Output with Raw Codec
- 2013-11-19Grails Goodness: Customize Resource Mappings
- 2013-11-18Grails Goodness: Namespace Support for Controllers
- 2013-10-14Grails Goodness: Add Extra Valid Domains and Authorities for URL Validation
- 2013-10-12Grails Goodness: Setting Property Values through Configuration
- 2013-09-25Spocklight: Using Mock Method Arguments in Response
- 2013-09-13Grails Goodness: Unit Testing Render Templates from Controller
- 2013-09-06Grails Goodness: Render Binary Output with the File Attribute
- 2013-09-05Grails Goodness: Accessing Resources with Resource and ResourceLocator
- 2013-08-23Spocklight: Using the Old Method
- 2013-08-20Grails Goodness: Set Request Locale in Unit Tests
- 2013-08-14Grails Goodness: Using the header Method to Set Response Headers
- 2013-06-05Groovy Goodness: Customize Log Variable Name with Log AST Annotations
- 2013-06-04Gradle Goodness: Extending DSL
- 2013-06-03Groovy Goodness: @DelegatesTo For Type Checking DSL
- 2013-05-14Checking Parameters Mock Method Invocation in Spock
- 2013-05-03Change return value of mocked or stubbed service based on argument value with Spock
- 2013-05-03How to test for an exception with Spock
- 2013-04-02Grails Goodness: Using Wrapper for Running Grails Commands Without Grails Installation
- 2013-03-14Grails Goodness: Set Property Values of Spring Beans in resources.groovy
- 2013-02-08Grails Goodness: Injecting Grails Services into Spring Beans
- 2012-12-14Using URL Scheme for Telephone Numbers in HTML
- 2012-10-29Gradle Goodness: Distribute Custom Gradle in Our Company
- 2012-10-26Groovy Goodness: Pretty Print XML
- 2012-10-25Gradle Goodness: Task Output Annotations Create Directory Automatically
- 2012-10-24Gradle Goodness: Init Script for Adding Extra Plugins to Existing Projects
- 2012-10-23Gradle Goodness: Exclude Transitive Dependency from All Configurations
- 2012-10-22Gradle Goodness: Running Java Applications from External Dependency
- 2012-10-15Grassroots Groovy: Parse XML with XmlSlurper from Java
- 2012-10-11Groovy Goodness: Create a List with Default Values
- 2012-10-10Groovy Goodness: Getting the First and Last Element of an Iterable
- 2012-10-09Groovy Goodness: Using Groovy for Git Hooks
- 2012-10-08Gradle Goodness: Getting Announcements from Gradle Build
- 2012-10-04Groovy Goodness: Return Closure From Another Closure or Method
- 2012-10-03Groovy Goodness: Using Project Coin Features Also With Older Java Versions
- 2012-10-02Groovy Goodness: Drop or Take Elements with Condition
- 2012-09-26Groovy Goodness: Using Implicit call() Method
- 2012-09-25Groovy Goodness: Boolean Implications
- 2012-09-21Gradle Goodness: Customize IDEA Project File Generation
- 2012-09-20Google Guava Goodness: Converting Between ASCII Case Conventions
- 2012-09-19Google Guava Goodness: Joining Collection Elements
- 2012-09-18Gradle Goodness: Using Objects for Version
- 2012-09-18Google Guava Goodness: Matching All Elements in a Collection
Rob Brinkman10
- 2023-10-31jq Joy: Converting JSON to CSV
- 2021-10-28Implementing a REST API for Object Detection with KotlinDL and KTor
- 2020-10-31Implementing a https enabled redirect service using Firebase
- 2018-10-01Micronaut Mastery: Configuration of a Kotlin based Micronaut application
- 2017-10-06Implementing architectural fitness functions using Gradle, JUnit and code-assert
- 2016-10-31Exploring the Vert.x MQTT server project
- 2016-10-07Het ontstaan van de passie voor het moderne maken
- 2015-03-06Building Vert.x projects using Gradle
- 2013-11-27Suggested Parleys Watchlist for Devoxx 2013
- 2012-09-20Quick Tip: Installing and switching Grails versions on OS X using Homebrew
Emil van Galen19
- 2016-10-04AngularConnect 2016 conference report episode 1
- 2016-04-07Grasping AngularJS 1.5 directive bindings by learning from Angular 2
- 2016-02-14Using `$q.defer()` in AngularJS? Try the $q 'constructor' instead.
- 2015-02-11ngImprovedTesting 0.3: improved ModuleBuilder with lots of bug fixes
- 2014-11-27ngImprovedTesting 0.2: adding $q.tick() to improve testing promises
- 2014-10-30ngEurope: about AngularJS 1.3, new router and the future 2.0
- 2014-07-21ngImprovedTesting: mock testing for AngularJS made easy
- 2014-03-17Joy of Coding... and mutation testing in Java
- 2013-12-17Integrating Karma 0.10 tests in Maven with Sonar(Cube) test coverage
- 2013-09-24Understanding and fixing AngularJS directive rendering and parsing
- 2013-08-13Integrating Karma 0.8 tests in Maven with Sonar(Cube) test coverage
- 2013-05-21Integrating Karma (Testacular) test runner in WebStorm 6 / IDEA 12
- 2013-05-12Easy installation of Karma (Testacular) test runner on Windows
- 2013-03-19Quickly experiment with AngularJS (and Jasmine) using these Plunks
- 2013-03-16How to create (singleton) AngularJS services in 4 different ways
- 2012-11-13Safe-guarding AngularJS scopes with ECMAScript 5 "Strict Mode"
- 2012-10-29Adding custom HTML attributes to your AngularJS web app
- 2012-10-05AngularJS made me stop hiding from JavaScript
- 2012-09-20To Roo or not to Roo...
Willem Cheizoo30
- 2024-10-14Vrijheid en Uniformiteit in Softwareontwikkeling; Hoe draagt een Enablement Team hier aan bij
- 2021-04-21How to merge git repositories preserving git history
- 2021-04-09Spicy Spring: Splitting Configuration and make Properties immutable
- 2019-07-29Effectively use Mapstruct and Lombok's builder
- 2019-04-16Immutable classes with Spring Boot, Lombok and Jackson
- 2017-02-21Release NPM package with git-flow
- 2017-02-20PlantUML Pleasantness: Create diagrams from NPM and Typedoc
- 2016-12-15Make Git files executable
- 2016-11-30Handling YAML format in your REST with Spring Boot
- 2016-10-27Devoxx4Kids: Technologie is cool
- 2016-10-14Integrate Angular in Spring Boot with Gradle
- 2016-08-29Spring Batch and Feign OAuth2 RequestInterceptor
- 2016-07-13IntelliJ IDEA: 2016.2 font ligatures
- 2016-06-29Spicy Spring: Customize error JSON response with ErrorAttributes
- 2016-06-27Spicy Spring: Creating a Fully Executable Jar
- 2016-06-23Generic Code Formatting with EditorConfig example
- 2016-06-17Spicy Spring: Write your own AutoConfiguration
- 2016-06-17Spicy Spring: Inject your custom method argument in Spring MVC using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver
- 2016-02-04Use Spring classpath Resource as Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter configuration
- 2015-09-04Spicy Spring: Create your own ResourceLoader
- 2015-04-16Spicy Spring : Dynamically create your own BeanDefinition
- 2015-03-26Construct a typed Array via List.toArray() with correct size
- 2015-03-23Spicy Spring : Different ways of Autowiring
- 2015-03-12Nifty JUnit : Using Rule on Method and Class level
- 2015-03-10Using Spring managed Bean in non-managed object
- 2015-03-09Nifty JUnit : Working with temporary files
- 2015-03-05Prevent 'No plugin found' in multi-module maven
- 2013-04-26Nifty JUnit : How to test for an exception
- 2012-12-17Compare JAR files content; decompiling class files
- 2012-10-04Spring Tip: Check for existence of Bean during startup
Pim Dorrestijn1
- 2013-10-07Detect Maven Dependency Mediation
Robbert van Waveren6
- 2019-10-15Exploring the new Spring Security OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect support part 2
- 2019-10-10Exploring the new Spring Security OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect support part 1
- 2015-01-19Stateless Spring Security Part 3: JWT + Social Authentication
- 2014-10-06Stateless Spring Security Part 2: Stateless Authentication
- 2014-10-06Stateless Spring Security Part 1: Stateless CSRF protection
- 2014-04-17An exploration on locking and atomicity in Redis
Tammo Sminia36
- 2024-10-24Database deadlocks
- 2024-10-22Task vs functionality-based Scrum
- 2024-10-03config derivation with ZIO config and Magnolia
- 2023-10-17Use ZLayer.make to simplify layer creation
- 2023-02-09Either vs Exceptions
- 2022-10-19Juggling with ZIO runtimes
- 2022-10-12Exceptions in ZIO
- 2022-08-17Building an API with ZIO and Caliban
- 2022-05-08How to get an ActorContext from Akka testKit
- 2022-04-08Sangria input defaults for value classes
- 2022-03-25Akka Serverless
- 2021-11-15Value class in Sangria
- 2021-10-31Use sed to fill a path variable in a config file
- 2021-10-15Markov movie critic - part 4 - classifier
- 2021-10-13Markov movie critic - part 3 - learning
- 2021-10-11Markov movie critic - part 2 - tokenization
- 2021-10-07Value of tests
- 2016-11-30Events in Polymer
- 2016-11-13AI movie critic - part 1 - Reading the training data
- 2016-10-06Making a simple stubserver with Drakov
- 2016-09-04"this" in javascript
- 2016-01-17Throttling in Akka and Spray
- 2015-11-18Iterating over a Map in Scala
- 2015-10-28Chaining Options
- 2015-10-16JSON parsing in Scala
- 2015-10-14Keystore without a password
- 2015-08-06Load testing our robots API with Gatling
- 2015-08-06Options with flatMap
- 2015-07-12Building a REST client with Spray
- 2015-05-16Validating input in Spray
- 2015-04-22Time libraries in Scala
- 2015-04-06Alternating between Spray-servlet and Spray-can
- 2015-03-25Building a war with spray-servlet
- 2015-03-15Chaining futures in Scala
- 2015-03-15Building a rest API with spray
- 2015-03-04Akka and scalatest in gradle
Bas W. Knopper3
- 2021-10-29Why I miss developing software
- 2018-09-29Production-safe Docker Tomcat image
- 2016-02-17JFokus Conference: A Presentation to Remember
Jeroen Resoort4
- 2016-10-21Running SonarCube on your laptop using Docker
- 2016-06-02Building your own self refreshing cache in Java EE
- 2016-04-22Mission to Mars follow up
- 2016-02-02The (non)sense of caching
Martijn van der Wijst3
- 2018-05-04JSHeroes 2018 Conference Report
- 2017-10-09Fronteers conf '17
- 2016-05-25Experiences at Google IO 2016
Riccardo Lippolis8
- 2022-10-03Overloading the Primary Constructor in Kotlin for Java Interoperability
- 2021-07-22Propagating the Spring SecurityContext to your Kotlin Coroutines
- 2020-10-14Filter a Kotlin Map to get non-null values only
- 2019-10-18Converting Char to Int in Kotlin
- 2019-10-17Kotlin method reference to companion object function
- 2019-10-07Heapcon 2019
- 2017-11-05Slim modular Java 9 runtime Docker image with Alpine Linux
- 2016-09-02Securing your application landscape with Spring Cloud Security - Part 1
Johan Kragt3
- 2024-10-18Structurizr for Maintainable architecture
- 2020-10-31Game Development in Java
- 2016-12-03Modify Java 8 final behaviour with Annotations
Deniz Turan9
- 2021-10-22A Developers Toolbox: part 3
- 2021-10-21A Developers Toolbox: part 2
- 2021-10-20A Developers Toolbox: part 1
- 2020-10-27Automating hosting RevealJS slides on GitLab
- 2019-09-04Docker volumes & case insensitive directories
- 2018-11-01Spring Boot: LocalDateTime not parsing to JSON correctly
- 2017-05-22Automatically generating your API from a swagger file using gradle
- 2017-01-29Forcing HTTPS with an .htaccess file on Heroku
- 2016-12-18Promise me you won’t use Promise.race
Auke Speksnijder1
Michel Breevoort4
- 2022-10-26OpenAPI: Different API versions with Springdoc
- 2021-10-27Elasticsearch: blazing fast products per category
- 2020-10-26Spring WebFlux : reactor meltdown - slow responses
- 2017-04-11Spicy Spring : Scheduler does not shutdown
Erik Pronk17
- 2024-10-29Prompt Engineering: The Impact of Claude 3
- 2024-10-08InnerSource: Open Source mindset through Tech Culture
- 2024-10-02Green Code: Engineering Sustainable Software
- 2023-11-01The Michael Jordan Approach to Software Engineering
- 2023-10-09Prompt Engineering: Tool or Threat to Software Engineering?
- 2023-10-02Elevate Your Team's Game with Developer Productivity Engineering
- 2023-07-14Team Topologies: Building High-Performance Software Teams through culture
- 2023-03-02SBOM: Insights into dependencies and vulnerabilities
- 2022-12-21Weighing Developer Experience
- 2022-10-31Inclusive Software Architecture
- 2021-10-01Quantum software engineering
- 2021-06-24How tech culture can contribute to growth
- 2021-03-11How tech culture can contribute to quality
- 2020-10-01How to stay connected during disconnected times
- 2019-10-09Machine Learning Systems require paradigm shift in Software Engineering
- 2018-10-25Infrastructure Automation on Google Cloud Platform
- 2017-10-04JavaOne verslag: De Keynote
Tom de Vroomen11
- 2024-10-23Shape Up your Event-Driven analysis with EventModeling
- 2023-12-08Migrate deprecated Keycloak adapter with Spring Security 6
- 2023-10-06Experiencing DrivUn and AxonIQ Conference
- 2022-07-02Running Oracle XE with TestContainers on Apple Silicon
- 2022-07-01Running Oracle XE on Apple Silicon
- 2021-06-18Configure Hikari Connection Pool when using AWS RDS IAM
- 2020-10-09Using WireMock in an async environment
- 2019-11-27Prevent ResponseEntity being generated as OpenAPI model
- 2018-10-12TestContainers project can make your (integration) test life easier
- 2018-10-03Using QueryDSL annotation processor with Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA
- 2017-10-25Maven: How to connect with Nexus using HTTPS
Mathijs de Groot2
- 2017-10-10Run one or Exclude one test with Gradle
- 2017-10-09Run one or Exclude one test with Maven
Sander Smeman3
- 2018-10-29Reduce the code to noise ratio of maven POMs
- 2018-10-15Easily build your own tech radar
- 2018-10-04Combining Spock and JUnit 5 tests
Jasper Bogers13
- 2023-10-19Handling DynamoDB TTL expiry events with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB Streams
- 2022-10-24A day in the life of DevOps
- 2022-10-06Insecure by default with OWASP DependencyCheck
- 2020-10-08Misconceptions about Scrum by the book
- 2020-06-05Problematic archetypes of a tech lead
- 2020-03-20So many meetings in Scrum!
- 2020-02-24Look to learn and don't think in ink
- 2020-02-21Agile rewrite of an existing system
- 2019-10-11Cultivating technical innovation in daily operation
- 2019-08-23Automation and Measurement as first class citizens in your sprint backlog
- 2018-12-21Should we spike or should we change how we do product backlog refinement?
- 2018-10-31Compliance as code using Ansible
- 2018-10-10Shift left thinking applied to the full software delivery cycle
Chiel van de Steeg6
- 2022-11-29Generic Derivation - a comparison
- 2022-10-22How to: Generic Derivation
- 2019-11-11Using ZIO's Ref to ensure a singleton in the Environment
- 2019-10-30Functional dependency injection in Scala using ZIO environments
- 2019-10-28A simple integration test using Scala and ZIO
- 2018-10-05Grasping Java 8: open source Java 8 workshop
Patrick Ooteman1
Sjoerd Valk1
Casper Rooker7
- 2022-10-20Dealing With Git Oopsies
- 2022-10-13A Sense Of Reactive Streams
- 2022-10-07K8s cluster on Apple Silicon
- 2020-10-07Minikube on LAN
- 2019-06-28AWS accounts & users: Separation of Concerns
- 2019-06-28Dabbling with DNS in AWS
- 2019-01-21Mutation testing in Maven & Sonarqube
Justus Brugman17
- 2024-01-18OWASP DependencyCheck Plugin Central Cache
- 2023-10-31Working From Abroad
- 2022-10-27Another Git Oopsie
- 2022-03-23Fault Tolerance in Quarkus
- 2021-10-25Integration testing in Quarkus
- 2021-05-24Create a Docker image running Robot Framework
- 2021-03-26Videoconferencing Part III
- 2021-03-20Videoconferencing Part II
- 2021-03-15Videoconferencing Part I
- 2020-12-05iTerm2
- 2020-10-28Introduction to OData
- 2020-05-22Building a Magic Mirror
- 2020-02-08Pragmatic explanation of Monads, the ‘short short version’
- 2019-10-16Customising form validation in Javalin using Valiktor
- 2019-07-19Let's Play!
- 2019-07-02Containerization: Is it the solution that solves your DevOps issues?
- 2019-06-07Microservices: A workshop by Sam Newman
Jurjen Vorhauer2
- 2020-10-21Spring Web Frameworks Compared
- 2019-06-20Typisch Types: Verfijnde types
Jacob van Lingen31
- 2024-10-17Dear Diary: Using AsciiDoc to write Papers
- 2024-03-12Dear Diary: Reveal autoconfigured Spring Beans in IntelliJ
- 2024-02-21Kotlin Discovered: Variance (again)
- 2024-01-15Dear Diary: Generics at runtime?
- 2023-12-11Dear Diary: Operators are just functions
- 2023-10-24Dear Diary: 'Til You Can't
- 2023-10-10Kotlin Discovered: Inline functions caveats
- 2023-09-26Kotlin Discovered: Inline functions
- 2023-09-12Kotlin Discovered: Pattern Matching
- 2023-09-05Kotlin Discovered: Variance
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- 2023-08-01Kotlin Discovered: Functions
- 2023-07-08Annotation based Dependency Injection: Breaking Down the Basics
- 2023-05-06Living in a changed world
- 2022-10-25Of wizards and functional magic
- 2022-07-16Creating slides like a boss
- 2022-03-29Let's talk functions
- 2021-12-31Generate INSERT queries by a SELECT query
- 2021-11-30Presentation anxiety
- 2021-07-13Inhale, exhale, release
- 2021-04-09Battling Java's verbosity
- 2021-03-13A worthy companion for @RequestBody
- 2021-01-18Let's make a curry
- 2020-11-12Oh, those bits and bytes
- 2020-07-08Expanding the Java Bean Validations
- 2020-05-26Visualizing a nasty virus
- 2020-05-08Don't be afraid of Docker
- 2020-04-03How to fix a drop of code coverage with a multi module Maven project
Thomas de Groot8
- 2024-10-25GitOps: DevOps 2.0
- 2024-10-04Taming Kubernetes with K9S, a devs best friend
- 2023-10-21Java 21: what changed since the previous LTS?
- 2023-10-20Avoid dependency hell with Maven BOM (Bill of Material)
- 2021-10-14Practical intro to Java LTS upgrade (11 to 17)
- 2021-03-24Running AWS locally with LocalStack
- 2020-10-22Using AWS API Gateway as an proxy
- 2020-04-14Maintain your local AWS environment with Commandeer
Kees Nederkoorn6
- 2023-10-03Back 2 Basics: Servlets without a Framework
- 2022-10-18Why you should stop making Breadcrumbs
- 2022-10-04Why you should NOT use Hexagonal architecture
- 2021-08-30Zero Trust for developers
- 2020-10-23Why passwords are done wrong
- 2020-10-19Git: rebase vs. merge
Tom Raaff2
- 2021-02-01How to set up a Vanilla TypeScript application
- 2020-10-10RxJS - When and how to unsubscribe
Jorrit van der Ven4
- 2023-10-16An introduction to Dapr; Microservices made easy!
- 2022-10-27Test JPQL queries from inside IntelliJ
- 2022-10-14Add schema documentation to your OpenAPI spec with Quarkus
- 2021-10-08Generate Swagger UI from Spring REST Docs
Alexander Chatzizacharias2
- 2022-12-08How to change your C# class template in Visual Studio 2022 to use the new file scoped namespaces
- 2022-04-15Setting up Azure Devops Pipelines for your Kotlin projects
Reggie Ebendal1
Ronald Koster5
- 2024-10-15Write your own mock
- 2023-10-25Skaffold with Quarkus and Kubernetes
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- 2023-10-05Gradle Cheat Sheet
- 2023-03-21Hexagonal vs Layers Architecture
Quinton Weenink3
- 2023-10-23Post your RSS feed to (Twitter) using Slack
- 2023-07-17Using Diffblue Cover to Write Tests for Existing Code
- 2023-07-13Getting Started with Diffblue Cover
Jesse Wouters1
- 2023-10-13Kotlin Scope Functions
Laurens Westerlaken3
- 2024-08-01CloudEvents and their extensions
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- 2024-07-01A first look at CloudEvents
Lucas Leite1
Dimitris Androutsos1
- 2024-10-30GKE with terraform and helm